mindsa racin

Feb 23, 2005 01:08

well sooo much to say

my niece cam eand stayed with me which i loved.........i really want her to come stay more often...we actually have a lot in common she reminds me sooo much of me when i was her age only i had a major attitiude hers is bad but not too....she is going through the over sensitive stage.....where you think evrything is directed @ you ....it's hard i know i think she is an intuned person like i am i see it in her i can feel it...it something when your young like i was i didn't realize how or why i was idfferent i just thought i was shy and stupid not to mention FAT and ugly but as i got older i realzied i have something sooo many people just don't use ....one ofthe reasons i am a one on one person is because i feel so much from people i know what they are thinking most of the time...i just feel it i never thought it was something unsual becuase i just thought ebryone was like that....but NOT THE CASE......it's hard because people do not understand you......i am always genuine in evrything i feel and say well...most of time....people in general do not notice the things i notice about people.......when your young you don;t know what to do with that....finding out my FATHER per my BROJTHER ariel's DAD said that my DAD had the same thing.....he was miss unerstood and turned to drinking to get away i feel he was reallly deep ahead of his times in a family who was very closed minded....reason i know this is because i was and stillam the black sheep of my family.....my views are odfferent.....like i let ariel smoke i know this is bad but ya kow what she is who she is rigt NOW and i want to be part of that with her.....i tell her how i feel but do not want her to feel uncomfortable....i let her drink ....it's a connection i make withher on a sister level she is my sister and i've never had that.....we laughed we joked we talked deep things she is very deep....she is looking searching for love becuase she is NOT getting what she needs @ home .....WRONG place to look is with guys.....but she will find this out i just do not wnather reputation to pay for it in the mena time or ruin her life pregnant.....STD...she is very alluring and guys are drawn to her i know this i have it and you may not evenb try to use this power but it is WHO YOU ARE.......anyway back to dad....i have a connection with him even to this day in the spiritual realm...i remeber things 1st of all that my brothers do not even remember but it's again a gift....but then i have this gift frommy dad....you see i fell out of shopping cart hitting my head (yes iknow [retty funny i laugh about it too) anyway i fell hitting my head directly onto the ground of the shop rite floor....i literally saw ny DAD getting out of the car and running inside to come to me...i know this happenned it is clear as day....i also rememebr when he got me the teddy bear i could see him in themarket picking put these bears he came home early in the morning and i heard him but pretended i was sleeping he came in and liftef my arm up and gave me this huse bear......i wa the light in my dads heart.....so sad he wa stakin away...but for the better i donot think he came out the "hole" the hole we all @ one time have been maybe several times...sucha dark placeit is SOOOOO lonely....my dad got angry when he was durnk....he was very angry inside i feel beucase he just never fit in...my grandma tells me stories when he was a kid and he just always had bad things happen ALWAYS...some sould are picked to suffer and from that suffering come great strength it's what you dowith it that makes the difference....ARIEL has this it is justhard toi channel in the right direction...becuase on top of it...i think we see ariel for ariel...sweet...open....kind....genuine...forward...but i think others see a different ariel...i think she is a very sexual person but is just giving it to the wrong people......i am too...i just bottle mine up two separate issues both having to work on it....she will find aplace where she finds out this should only be given to speical poeple not JUST becuase you like someone...but again when you are very perceptive to tohers you always get involved that is her....anways i bettr go to bned soo much else to say but not enough time i have workdammit...i has 2 traumas the other night it was SOOO COOOOOL ...this guy had an open tibula/fibula bone sticking right out!!!! his foot was hagning off it was really neat 2 people on a morotrcycle NOT WEARING HELMETS...well they both had major head injuries.....my brother is soooo stubborn if he saw what isaw he would wear it evrytime...i worryabout him sooo much .....they are gooood parents not many likethem truly...theyare just a little to abosrbed withthem selves to tune in to her....they do not see it now but they will.....she needs them and they need to open their eyes!!!!i love you chicky soomuch you ARE my sister blood sisters for life ...oh yeah she has those horns ....i do too.....and man theycan be fun...when they're out they're out...she is BEAUTY she just doen't see it yet!!!!
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