On Terri Schiavo...

Mar 31, 2005 15:05


Okay. Terri Schiavo died today after her feeding tube was removed several weeks ago. Her husband fought to have it removed after years in a persistant vegitative state. Her condition was brought on by suspected bulimia, which caused a potassium imbalance that then caused a heart attack. This woman caused her own condition. She must have been bulimic for years in order to do this to herself. She had told her husband that she would not want to live like that. This man sued her doctors right after her attack, and won quite a bit of money that all went directly to her care. None of the money was mismanaged, according to bank records. He himself won several thousand dollars for pain and suffering.

Congress held a special weekend session to discuss this case. President Bush came from Crawford Ranch to talk about it. They tried to intervene on behalf of "Terri" and her parents, who did not want the feeding tube removed. It polarized the nation in a right to life/right to die battle. WHY?

Millions of people across the country are starving, sans feeding tube. Millions are poor, need healthcare. Millions are cold and suffering. Millions are jobless, hopeless. AND OUR CONGRESS MEETS ON A SATURDAY for one woman who clearly would not want to live like this. Our system is very messed up.

Social Security will go bankrupt in our lifetimes. But instead of dealing with this seemingly insurmountable task, Congress and our President deem it fit to spend tax payer dollars to try and keep a vegetable alive for a few more months, citing the Bible and their hatred of free will. I wish they could tackle each and every American's problems. Like mine. I wish Congress could meet up on Sunday and decide i should go to school for free, give me money and tell Sallie Mae to fuck off. But no dice.

Jon Stewart is very correct. If you're wondering how sick you need to be to have Congress intervene, start now. Starve yourself. Then binge and purge. Rinse, repeat. Do this for several years until you have a massive heart attack and have your brain deprived of oxygen for several minutes. Flatliners style. Then have your doctors bring you back, miraclously, but in a complete vegetative state. Forever. Booyeah. NOW you'll get the money needed for your asthma pills. Only you can't injest them save through a tube in your stomach.

Priorities? Not so much.

Welcome to America. Where your life is our business, and how you die is our crusade.
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