Dec 30, 2004 00:28
very sleepy. didn't get much sleep in boston, but didn't do very much IN boston either. Odd. Had a really great time though. taking cats to vets can be fun.
tomorrow i am spending a quiet day at home before a big ole double at work and a harrowing new year's eve. I hope it'll be harrowing anyway. What a great word. Indeed.
The smallpox book i'm reading is really very good. It's the second smallpox book i've read, and it promises nothing less than the previous plague book. Now there's a movie on F/X about smallpox returning. The big fear? NOT ENOUGH OF THE CURE!! Oh no. Seriously, folks. If the terrorists...pardon...BIOterrorists, get a virus to scare the world and murder people, why would they steal one we could maufacture a cure to? Is that smart business? A good number of people are already vaccinated against it anyways. Seems...well, like a sadly flawed plan. Try ebola. Now there's a virus to strike fear in the hearts of men. I don't want ebola. And how often do we hear about whooping cough? Not nearly often enough. Let's bring that one back.
C'mon. Back in 1704 THOUSANDS of people died every outbreak in London. That was real fear. It killed kings, queens, lords and ladies, right down to the proles in the street.
Well, i'm off to get vaccinated.
Jon Stewart rules so much it hurts me.