
Sep 02, 2009 12:49

I'm no good with wallpapers. Here are the few that don't totally suck. 
Feel free to take whatever you want. Comments are love!

Angel/Buffy     Chosen

Buffy/Spike     Something Blue

Buffy/Spike     Beneath You
Made for whedonland

Buffy/Spike     Post Series

Darla/Spike       AR

Dark Willow/Spike       AtS/BtVS Crossover

Chipless, soulless, scary, sexy Spike        Season 2-3

And a couple of manips + icons

Spike/Willow          Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Angel/Bella        Buffy/Twilight Crossover


spillow, bangel, wallpapers, btvs, manips, ats, twilight, spike, crossover, icons, spuffy, darla/spike

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