Buffy meme!

Jun 08, 2010 20:35

Since I fell really in love with Cordy on Angel rather than on Buffy, I'm gonna go with Drusilla. I think that both the character and Juliet are brilliant! Drusilla is just SO interesting. She's crazy and vicious, and sexy, and dangerous, and evil, and fascinating. I feel like I can watch a Drusilla show with 10 seasons and in the end there will be things about her that are still a secret. Things that even she, herself, doesn't know. I also love Spike/Drusilla, Angelus/Drusilla and Darla/Drusilla...OK so I love ANY combination you make from the Fang Four but still. *g*
Have some prettiness and a couple of vids I've made.



This Town Will Burn

AU vid! Remember when Spike told Dru "God, this town will burn!" What if he had accomplished it?! Sunnydale, hold on!

Find more videos like this on BuffyTube - Slayerise Yourself.

Daddy's Girl

Dru is fated to be her “daddy”’s girl!

Find more videos like this on BuffyTube - Slayerise Yourself.

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Day 18 - Character Who Didn’t Get Enough Screen Time
Day 19 - Character You Like That Everyone Else Hates
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Day 22 - Best Xander-centric Episode
Day 23 - Two Characters You Wanted To Get Together That Never Did
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Day 29 - Episode You Hate That Everyone Else Loves
Day 30 - What You Think Made Buffy So Great

btvs, meme, drusilla, videos, drusilla/spike

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