
May 17, 2010 13:36

1. Write down the names of 10 characters.

1. Spike
2. Cordelia
3. Buffy
4. Angel
5. Faith
6. Drusilla
7. Darla
8. Lindsey
9. Fred
10. Wesley

2. Write a fic of fifteen twenty(can't deal with only fifteen) words or less for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do step 1.
1. First times 1, 9 - Spike/Fred

More than a hundred years, lovers like Dru, Harm and Buffy. Spike thought he had experienced it all. Then came Fred.

2. Angst 7 - Darla

She'd been through a lot in her existence. But there was nothing like having your love taken. By a cheerleader.

3. AU 1, 8 - Spike/Lindsey

The enemy of your enemy is your friend, right? And sometimes, somewhere far from LA, while fighting together, something else.

4. Threesome 3, 6, 9 - Buffy/Drusilla/Fred

There was nothing but fear in Fred's soul when sire and chide entered her room. Maybe a bit of curiosity.

5. Hurt/Comfort 5, 10 - Faith/Wesley

She bandaged his wound gently. Gently. She was gentle with noone except him. It was her way of saying it all.

6. Crack 1 - Spike

He hated Christmas. Why was he doing that, again? Then, a bottle of hair gel on the shop's shelf. Finally.

7. Horror 10 - Wesley

Her eyes were staring at him. Cold. Dead. Wesley woke up with a gasp. Two sets of eyes. Lost. Gone.

8. Baby fic 5, 9 - Faith/Fred

When there was noone else to go to, Faith went to Fred. She was doing the right thing this time.

9. Dark 2, 8 - Cordelia/Lindsey

She didn't know where Angel was. She didn't know where Darla was. And she didn't care. She bled for it.

10. Romance 4, 8 - Angel/Lindsey

Searching for your something. In the end, you find what you've always been looking for exactly where you never looked.

11. Death 2, 3 - Cordelia/Buffy

She touched her cold hand. She kissed her cold forehead. She closed her empty eyes. She had failed once again.

fred/spike, angel, btvs, meme, buffy, faith/wesley, ats, darla, spike, cordelia, drusilla, fanfiction

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