Tell me I didn't just watch that

Mar 13, 2010 23:44

I just posted this over @ seeking_spike  so I guessed I might as well as you too.

Please, please, somebody tell me that they have that fic saved or have a link to it. Convo in the ladies room is probably the funniest fic I've ever read and now the link I have( is not working anymore. Help?

Yes, I'm desperate! :D

Also I just saw New Moon with my mom today. Yuck! Sorry, to the Twilight fans, you might wanna skip that.
I normally don't hate Twilight but this movie. WTF?! Could they get any sappier?! I mean seriously, what's that? "Oh, Edward!" "Oh, Bella!" "I don't wanna live without you!" "You're my world!" *headdesk* It's like Bangel all over again only a lot, A LOT worse! In moments like those I thank Joss there's Spuffy 'cause, really, THIS, is just sick! The Romeo and Juliet part is very well placed, only, Romeo and Juliet is classic while Twilight is so not. I don't like Jacob, he's not my type. And Edward...Dunno, I think Pattison plays him really strange, maybe, that's how it should be, but it irritates. I've never liked Bella and New Moon just makes me dislike her even more. Chick's weaker than a 3-year-old who's lollipop has been stolen. Good thing there's Alice, I LOVE Alice! All in all, I'm really not impressed. I liked the book a lot more. I have yet to read Breaking Down(I've bought it but haven't found the time for it), they tell me the end is so sappy I won't be able to stomach it(and I had a hard time stomaching HP's happyly-ever-after aka the-stupidest-way-HP-could've-ended) so I'm kinda scraed. LOL!

And just 'cause Edward and Bella make me think of sappiness I wanna bow to Cordelia Chase and Wesley Wyndam-Pryce!

Cordelia: Oh, Angel. I know that I am a Slayer, and you are a Vampire, and it is impossible for us to be together, but --
Wesley: But my gypsy curse, and our hot little loins, sometimes prevent us from seeing the truth. Oh Buffy --
Cordelia: Yes, Angel?
Wesley: I love you so much I almost forgot to brood.
Cordelia: And just because I sent you to hell that one time doesn't mean we can't be friends.
Wesley: Or possibly more?
Cordelia: Gasp! No! We mustn't! You'll lose your soul!
Wesley: To hell with my soul! Again! Kiss me!
Cordelia: Bite me!


ats, twilight, btvs, fanfiction

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