A Manifesto - 5 reasons to ship Spike/Cordy!

Mar 05, 2010 21:57

This is my first manifesto for whedonland's Ya, I ship it. And, boy, do I ship those two.

Reason 1
Are you blind?

Explain to me how Joss can have two so perfect and sexy beasties and not get them together. Just imagine. His muscles, her legs. His cold lips with her hot ones. Her tits, in his hands. What is there not to love?! They’d be the hottest ship in the fandom!

Reason 2
No issues

There’s no curse to lose and result in Cordy being a snack. There’s no stupid calling that makes you consider sleeping with the hot enemy a bad thing. None of them is a lunatic. They’re both faithful. Noone will stand in the way of their relationship and even if someone tried they’d kick his ass ‘cause that’s what they do, they fight for happiness.

Reason 3
Common interests

They’d fight the good fight together and then they’d go and dance, and drink. And when they come home they’ll have hot monkey sex instead of brood or take care of annoying little sisters. They both know what’s right and do it ‘cause they want to, ‘cause they wanna help. They don’t want a reward and they don’t live in denial, they know that people are not perfect and they don’t always deserve to be saved. But they’d save them anyway. Together.

Reason 4
The snark

Can you imagine it already? I know I can. They’d yell at each other all the time, fight over the smallest thing and they’d annoy the hell out of each other and everyone around them. They’d always be funny together, they’d never get bored, they’d always make each other smile. They will be angry and frustrated half the time, and will resolve it with a kiss every time.

Reason 5
The love

Both Spike and Cordy love with their whole hearts. They’d never had someone who appreciated their love like it should be appreciated. They’d appreciate each other together. They’d be sweet and sexy, angsty and frustrated but they’ll always be in love. They both burn, their flames will be effulgent.

Also, just so you know…

Spike loves to buy his girls presents. You seeing Cordy bouncing or is it just me?

Spike loves strong women who know what they want and how to take it but also have good hearts and put the other above themselves when it counts. Just like Cordelia Chase.

Cordy has a soft spot for misunderstood heroes and who’s a misunderstood hero, if not Spike?

Cordy is full of energy, she loves to party, she loves to dance, she simply loves to live. And even with his non-beating heart Spike is more alive than anyone we’ve seen.

whedonland, manifesto, ats, btvs, cordelia/spike, spike, cordelia

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