Feb 15, 2010 16:44

This huge icon post? Finally done!
These were made for challenges, as presents, for whedonland  and jjverse  and for fun! Enjoy!
Comments will make me ecstatic!

Angel:the Series [001--113]
Buffy the Vampire Slayer [114--198]
Dollhouse [199--279]
Dr. Horrible [280--281]
Firefly [282--300]
LOST [301--316]
Other [317--319]
Evangeline Lilly [320--324]
Sarah Michelle Prinze [325--344]
Sarah Michelle Prinze and Seth Green [345--352]



















































































seth green, fred/spike, spillow, topher, angel, sawyer, angel/cordelia, cordelia/spike, spike, icons, cordelia, evangeline lilly, kate, lost, bangel, darla/drusilla, btvs, angel/spike, dollhouse, echo, buffy, drusilla/spike, illyria, ats, angel/darla, darla, drusilla, sarah prinze, firefly, spuffy

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