The Clock

Feb 01, 2010 20:56

My fic for whedonland 's latest fic challenge(Can I start getting sexed already?) I don't usually write longer fics so I hope you'll like it. :) Comments are VERY appreciated! *g*

Title: The Clock

Characters/Pairings: Cordelia/Spike

Rating: NC-17

Word count: 1 270

Summary: Spike’s looking for Angel or Dru. He finds something better.

The clock never stopped. Cordy left her book on the desk and looked at the stupid machine. Time was not something you could turn back. OK, so maybe. But no. She couldn’t have her life back. She couldn’t have her big house and expensive clothes back. She couldn’t have high school years back. She couldn’t have Xander back. And what a good thing that was!

She couldn’t have Doyle back. The brunette looked out through the dirty window. Have to clean that window. She couldn’t have Angel Investigations back. Not the way it was. Not with the Angel in it.

Cordelia rubbed her eyes. It was late. Maybe she should go see Wesley, he had-

The door crashed open and in a swirl of black leather Cordelia found herself staring into the blue eyes of a very dangerous vampire. Or a chip-ridden vampire as the case was, only she didn’t know that.

“Spike!” Cordy winced at her own voice. Way too go for the “I’m not afraid of you!” attitude she wanted.

“Where’s Angel?” Spike stepped around her and started looking around the small office.

“How did you get in?”

“You have a sign on the door that invites customers and I’m a customer.” In a second he was face to face with the frightened girl. “Where’s Angel?”

Cordelia took a deep breath to calm herself.


“Yeah. Angel.” Spike frowned and looked at her as if she was a really stupid child. “Big. Tall. Forehead. Hair that doesn’t give a shit about gravity. Broods all the time. Helps the helpless and all that rot. Works with YOU. Does any of this ring a bell in your empty cheerleading head?”

“Hey! I’ll have you know that I’m an actress now. And this head is not empty at all, mister. Do you have any idea how often the Powers That Fuck With You fill it up with shit?! Huh?!”

Spike smirked at the fuming brunette. She was amusing, he could give her that. Like a fireball she was.

“Yeah. Let’s imagine that I care. Now where’s A-N-G-E-L?”

“I don’t know where that bastard is! And if you find him, tell him to stay the hell away from me and my friends.”

“He turned evil again?” Spike frowned. Now Angelus was…Oh, well, he would stake him anyway. After he got the information he needed that is.

“Hello?” Cordy waved a hand in front of Spike’s face and he focused his attention back on her.

“I said no, he’s not evil. Or not Angelus-evil at least. But…well, he’s not…”

“Going around helping ladies to cross the street?”

“For example.” Nodded the brunette and looked questioningly at the vampire in front of her.

Well, well, well. It seemed like good, old Angel wasn’t all that good. Probably wouldn’t mind telling him, if Dru was back in town. And if he did, Spike could always stake the bastard to get back on the Slayer. Who does she think she is?! Shutting him out like that.

“Umm…aren’t you going to go now? ‘Cause Angel apparently isn’t here.”

Spike focused on the girl. She was looking for something and she looked-

Spike smirked. Well, now that could be fun. The cheerleader was scared, surely didn’t know he had a chip in his head. Impressive really, how calm she’d been through out their conversation.

“Don’t fancy my company, pet?” Spike lifted a challenging eyebrow, laughing inside at the girl’s look.

OK. Cordelia took a deep breath. There weren’t a lot of correct answers to that question, if she didn’t want to become a snack. Surprisingly she chose one of them.

“Well, I certainly prefer it to your granddad’s company.” She shot and held her breath.

Spike opened his mouth to let out the reply he’d prepared and shut it again. He looked the brunette from head to toe once again and grinned.

“What?” Cordelia eyed him carefully.

“I just decided that I’m tired of running after chics that think Angel is perfection itself.”

One step and Cordy found herself nose to nose with the Slayer of Slayer and before she could say a word her tongue found itself with a roommate. And what a roommate.

She was so warm and alive, Spike swore she could burn him up right then and there. With that magical mouth of hers and the little moans, and her body unconsciously rubbing into his. She was a better kisser than Dru with all her years of experience.

Cordelia melted as one of Spike’s hands settled on her waist and pulled her to him while the other caught her hair. Air was becoming a problem pretty quickly and somewhere in the back of her mind she knew that she should care but, damn, the man knew how to kiss.

Spike pulled back so she could breathe. His mouth though just found itself a new target, kissing and nibbling at her neck.

Cordy gasped.

“You’re not…you…you’re not gonna…eat me? Right?”

Spike grinned.

“Only if you want me to, pet.”

She frowned for a moment and them blushed bright red. Spike snickered and bit into her neck with his human teeth. She let a moan that was immediately followed by a growl against her neck. Before she knew it Cordelia was lifted in the air and Spike’s mouth was trying to gain access to one of her nipples. Her legs wrapped themselves around his waist while her hands played with his platinum blonde hair.

The vampire turned around and tossed her on the desk. Before she could catch her breath he was out of his duster and working on her top.

Cordelia didn’t waste her time and joined the fun, her fingers unbuttoning his red shirt, desperate to get him out of it as soon as possible.

Spike paid attention to each of her now bare and hard nipples. Like candy, he could lick and suck them all night. However, there was another matter he couldn’t wait to address so he went down her body and took the zipper of her jeans between his teeth.

“Wait. Wait.” Cordy grabbed him by the hair and pulled him back up.

“Are you gonna turn all evil on me after…?” She bit her lip hard, considering, if she cared enough for the answer.

Spike grinned mischievously.

“Already evil, luv.”

“Oh. Great!” Her lips attacked his this time while her hands took care of his belt but when she caught his zipper she stopped once again.

“Wait. Wait.”

Spike growled impatiently.

“What now?”

“I don’t usually do this before the guy buys me something pretty and expensive.”

“Well, I buy my girls all kinds of pretty and expensive things.”

Cordy frowned for a moment, thinking, and then her eyes caught sight of his bare chest where his shirt hung open.

“I’ll hold you to it, mister! Don’t think I won’t!” And then she shut up.

Cordelia rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Her hands reached for her clock and-

“What the-”

The brunette opened her eyes only to find herself on the couch in the office. And the whole night came back, knocking the air out of her.

“Oh God.” She looked around but the blonde sex on legs was nowhere to be seen.

“Never trust a vampire.” Cordelia murmured unhappily but remembered to check her neck for bites hours later.

Two days later Cordelia Chase found a box that held the most amazing pair of shoes in front of her door. And decided that she wanted a matching handbag.

ats, btvs, cordelia/spike, spike, cordelia, fanfiction

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