
Jan 05, 2010 23:21

I love vidding! Yesterday I made a video as a late Christmas present for atomic89  and I was so happy. I haven’t made many videos in the last months BUT I’ve done lots of vids through the year. Comments will make me amazingly happy and help me out when I have to decide which vid to enter in contests! :)
(If you wanna download any, just leave me a comment and I'll be happy to give you a link!)

Daddy’s Girl(AtS/BtVS; Angel(us)/Darla/Drusilla) - Dru is fated to be her “daddy”’s girl!

The Boy’s Mine Now(AtS/BtVS; Buffy/Faith/Spike) - AU vid! That’s all I’ll say ‘cause the song tells the story all too well for me to mess it up with a summary!

Torn(AtS/BtVS; Buffy/Spike) - AU vid! Buffy has always gone to Spike. Now that Spike’s gone Buffy’s mind and heart are torn.

Love Saves A Champ(AtS; Fred/Spike) !!! This is my favorite video from all the videos I've made!!! - If a champion can save himself, what can? A girl who loves him, of course!

Just A Taste(BtVS/Chance; Spike/Tara/Willow) - AU vid! Tara has the greatest boyfriend ever but she’s dying to taste something just a little bit different. What happens when she realises that she’s risking her relationship with Spike?

Jungle(AtS Season 5) - A look at the kicks and kisses in season 5!

Dust In The Wind(AtS; Angel(us)/Darla) - What is it like to watch as all you've ever wanted slips away?!

Losing Love(BtVS/Cruel Intentions; Buffy/Spike) - Slightly AU vid(is there such a thing?)!What happens to a girl when the man that means the world for her is gone?!

Not Your Century(AtS/BtVS; Angel/Spike) - Angel and Spike are always there for each other, even when it hasn’t been their century!

A Bite(AtS/BtVS/Underworld; Angel(us)/Darla/Selene) - AU vid! Selena cannot understand why Angelus will betray her. When she finally gets his connection with Darla all she wants is to claim him for her own like he claimed her so long ago!

The Sickness That’s Illyria(AtS; Illyria) - Everybody's got the sickness that's Illyria!

Come Back, My Love(AtS/BtVS; Angel/Buffy) - All Buffy wants is for Angel to come back!

To Find The Girl(AtS/BtVS; Fred/Spike) - AU vid! Spike’s been looking for The girl for years. Now he knows that all he needed to do was go to LA!

Done Is Done(AtS/BtVS; Spike) - The story of a vampire with a soul who's trying to learn that what's done is done!

Dedicated to Fred and Wesley(AtS; Fred/Wesley) - Dedicated to Fred and Wesley! Part of my “Lost Love” vids on the song prelude 12/21!

Dedicated to Angel and Cordy(AtS; Angel/Cordelia) - Dedicated to Cordy and Angel! Part of my “Lost Love” vids on the song prelude 12/21!

Dedicated to James and Kate(LOST; James/Kate) - Dedicated to James and Kate! Part of my “Lost Love” vids on the song prelude 12/21!

Dedicated to Juliet and James(LOST; James/Juliet) - Dedicated to Juliet and James! Part of my “Lost Love” vids on the song prelude 12/21!

Unfaithful(LOST; Jack/Kate/Sawyer) - AU vid! Kate just can’t stay away from Sawyer, even though, she loves Jack.

Kick Then Kiss(AtS/BtVS; Buffy/Illyria/Spike) - AU video! “Kick then kiss” is Spike’s motto in love. He likes his girls violent and passionate. When his Goldilocks doesn’t fit the bill anymore and an amazing dream is waiting to come true, Spike goes to LA to open a portal and get himself a goddess!

Accidentally In Love(Mr Fix It) - Lance accidentally fell in love with Sophia.

In The End(AtS Season 5) - If you have just a few minutes left, make them memorable.

Wild Life(AtS/BtVS; Spike) - Spike has many wild nights and one hell of a wild life!

Angel’s Authority(AtS/BtVS; Angel(us)/Spike) - When it comes to Spike Angel has no authority!

Forever and Ever(AtS/BtVS; Drusilla/Spike) - Spike and Drusilla will be in love forever and ever.

Evil In Love(AtS/BtVS; Angel/Buffy, Angel(us)/Drusilla, Buffy/Spike, Drusilla/Spike) - Jealousy, passion and love!

fred/spike, skate, angel, faith/spike, sawyer, suliet, spike, cordelia, kate, bangel, 2009-videos, angel/spike, btvs, dollhouse, spike/tara/willow, buffy, drusilla/spike, david boreanaz, ats, illyria/spike, angel/darla, darla, drusilla, spuffy, spike/tara

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