Christmas present for rua1412

Dec 24, 2009 12:38

My Christmas present for rua1412 ! I hope you like it, sweetie, I'm not sure if it's what you wanted but it's what my muse wanted so you can yell at it whenever you want. :D

Title: Confusion

Characters/Pairings: Gunn, Angel/Willow

Rating: G

Word count: 280

Summary: Gunn’s confusion.

A/N: Written especially for rua1412 !

Gunn was one very confused man. He became confused the second the little redhead stormed into the W&H office as if she owned it. He knew nothing about her but he could tell that her name didn’t suit her. “Willow” sounded peaceful and harmless and this girl was a real fireball, full of power that even he could feel.

His confusion only grew when she crushed Spike in a tearful hug, smacked him over the head and send him packing for Rome. All in a few seconds.

Things didn’t seem simpler to him when the blonde vampire left and she stayed. Fred became her best buddy in seconds. Wesley seemed to hold lots of affection for her and lots of respect for her power. Lorne loved her immediately though she was a bad singer. Said he’ll cut off his horns before listening to her and Angel sing together. Angel. Now he was a whole different deal. He went between ignoring her, laughing with her, running away from her, staring at her, growling at other males when they stared at her and simply watching her while she worked.

What she worked on Gunn didn’t know. However, a couple of weeks later she was successful and jumping around like a kid on Christmas. She and Angel locked themselves in the lab and after half an hour and a glowy yellow light came out and locked themselves in Angel’s bedroom. Out of there they didn’t come for a couple of days.

From then on things finally became simple. Gunn just had to get used to seeing Angel smile and seeing the redhead with him all the time.

willow, angel/willow, ats, angel, btvs, christmas presents, fanfiction

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