Apr 22, 2011 21:12

So I've been watching S3 and S4 of Ats and I've been feeling SO bad for Angel. I, like the majority of my flist, am a Spike lover and Spuffy shipper but that doesn't mean I don't love our broody boy, especially on his own show. So this is an


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bangel, !appreciation post, angel, recs, btvs, banners, angel/cordelia, gifs, picspams, ats, david boreanaz, angel/darla

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Comments 39

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evangelin1202 April 22 2011, 18:36:16 UTC
I've never really disliked Angel(just Angel/Buffy once upon a time :D) but now I really do love him. He's just always trying so hard! I just wanna cuddle him forever and then do some more naughty things with him. :D

I know he'll never compare to Spike for me but he has definitely earned a top place on my favorite Buffyverse characters list.

Your icon is ♥ I especially made space for Angel icons before I made this post. :D


evangelin1202 April 22 2011, 18:37:12 UTC
I also demand you rec an Angel/Willow vid!! :D ... Pretty please?


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raynewser April 22 2011, 18:53:01 UTC
LOVE THIS IDEA! Angel is amazing! I hate how much he gets bashed in fandom so this appreciation post is golden!


evangelin1202 April 22 2011, 19:02:26 UTC
YAY!! I'm so happy you like it!
Maybe it's because I'm more in the Spuffy part of fandom but I think I don't see enough Angel love. And with all that happens to him in S3 and S4 - RESPECT!

+ He's just too cute! :D

... )


raynewser April 22 2011, 19:11:30 UTC
He definitely deserves respect after those seasons!
And DB is adorable! I could cuddle him all day! :D

... )


evangelin1202 April 22 2011, 19:32:11 UTC
OMG! The cuteness! I was just thinking of this scene and how I didn't have a gif of it. :D


evangelin1202 April 22 2011, 19:03:33 UTC

... )


evangelin1202 April 22 2011, 19:05:34 UTC
Anyone has any Angel/Cordy+Buffy/Spike fic recs? I'd be very happy with Angel/Buffy+Cordy/Spike too but I think that's harder to find. :D


rahirah April 23 2011, 01:36:48 UTC
If you don't mind people reccing their own stuff, this story is one of my favorites I've written. It isn't explicitly shippy - it's mostly about Angel's love/hate/friend/rival relationship with Spike - but those are the pairings in the background. :)

Twilight of the Gods


evangelin1202 April 23 2011, 08:49:12 UTC
Of course, I don't mind! And thanks so much, it sounds perfect and I'll check it out today! :)


booshmanic April 22 2011, 19:26:45 UTC
So much Angel! I love it! :) <3


evangelin1202 April 22 2011, 19:33:06 UTC
ANGEL!!! :D ♥ Happy you like it!


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