LEGEN- wait for it -DARY! :D

Jan 28, 2011 12:53


List fifteen of your favorite characters from different fandoms, and ask people to spot patterns in your choices, if they're so inclined.

1. Spike
2. Cordelia Chase
3. Drusilla
4. Darla
5. Illyria
6. Lindsey McDonald
7. Topher Brink
8. Simon Tam
9. Chandler Bing
10. Joey Tribbiani
11. James 'Sawyer' Ford
12. Juliet Burke
13. Barney Stinson
14. Rodney McKay
15. Ronan Dex

Stats: BtVS - 1; AtS - 5; Dollhouse - 1; Firefly - 1; Friends - 2; LOST - 2; HIMYM - 1; SG: Atlantis - 2;
Almost there: Angel, Eve, Adelle DeWitt, Echo, Monica Gellar, Ted Mosby, John Sheppard

lost, friends, btvs, meme, dollhouse, ats, tv, stargate atlantis, firefly, himym

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