
Sep 19, 2009 16:54

It's Shindig' over @ whedonland and the pirates rule today! :D

Spike's Sea Shanty

It was night and it was quiet
I fell in love with a girl like you
The moon was full, the stars were shining
So long ago, oh, too long ago

She was pretty and she was wild
I fell in love with a girl like you
She was danger and she was magic
So long ago, oh, too long ago

I'd have never left her
I fell in love with a girl like you
But she left me so the pirate's life's for me
So long ago, oh, too long ago

And his pirate buddies! :D

I doubt you don't know that already but whedonland is an Angel/Buffy/Dollhouse/Dr. Horrible/Firefly interactive community! Check it out!

manips, whedonland, angel, spike, cordelia

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