Santa Baby!

Dec 17, 2010 11:51

Happy Holidays, darkmagic_luvr ! I wish you only the truest friends, the best lovers and the most sincere smiles, honey!
Hope you like my presents for you!

Title: Inappropriate and Ticklish

Characters/Pairings: Ivy/Paul, mention of Adelle/Topher

Rating: PG-13

Word count: 546

Summary: What happens when Topher takes a day off.

A/N: Written especially for darkmagic_luvr.

Ivy giggled, he was making lazy little circles on her stomach and she was all kinds of ticklish.

“Well, this beats the hell out of Topher’s inappropriate starches.”

She grinned, itching to stick her tongue at her boss and almost regretting his absence. Almost.

Paul looked up and raised an eyebrow at her.

“You don’t wanna know.” she assured him.

“No? Should I be reaching for my gun?” he teased and started looking around, trying to locate said gun.

“Depends, really.” Ivy laughed at his look and grabbed his face “But let’s leave your weaponry alone for now.”

She gave him a chase kiss or at least it was supposed to be chase before his fingers got tangled in her hair.

Paul pulled back, a devious look taking over his face, and went to biting her neck, going lower and lower.

“Mmmm. That’s nice. Thought you had a thing for dolls.” Ivy gave herself a mental slap when he immediately stopped, could’ve brought that up later or, you know, never.

“I don’t.” Paul looked her in the eyes.

It wasn’t really about her, she knew, he just needed to make someone understand that. But the intensity of his eyes could easily get to anyone. There was just enough anger, mostly at himself, and tons of determination.

“I’m not one of the fucking clients. And I don’t-“ he frowned.

“Never said you were.” she looked down, her brows knitting together. Damn, she was a genius, she was supposed to know what to say.

“I’m not. I don’t want a doll. I want a real girl. One that knows what she wants and why she wants it. One that makes her decisions using her own brain. It’s why I-“ he stopped himself, probably just realizing that he was talking to someone, she thought.

“Why you picked me?” she could play the offended or mistreated girl but it wasn’t really her style. “Yeah, I guess your choice will be limited in this house. It’s pretty much me or DeWitt.” A bit of humor, yeah, that was more like it.

He was about to argue but then his eyes lit up and he laughed. Ivy hadn’t heard him laugh before, it was a nice sound.

“I believe that Miss DeWitt is not open to any more relationships.” He smirked knowingly.

“She in a relationship?” Ivy picked herself up on her elbows. She hated it when it looked like someone knew something she didn’t.

Paul’s face went blank for a moment, then he raised an eyebrow at her, looked her up and down, like he was trying to figure out if she was kidding or if she was trust-worthy. The nakedness distracted him just a little.

“Your boss takes a day off often?” he asked, finally deciding whatever it was that he had been wondering about.

“Huh? What does that-“ Ivy’s mouth shaped a perfect little “o”. “Oh.”

“Oh-oh, I’d say.” he laughed again and laid on the floor of Topher’s “office” next to her.

“Oh.” Ivy’s normally very quick brain was having a problem absorbing this piece of information. “Topher and Adelle.”

“Are having a better time than we are and I believe we can’t allow that.”

And after that Paul decided to find out where else she was ticklish.

topher, graphics, wallpapers, christmas presents, dollhouse, fanfiction

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