This was written for the
worlds_finest awards. It won the best humour fic category! Woot!
The prompt for the awards was New Year's Eve and First Time. This is the first of two stories I wrote for it. You can find all of the awesome stories and artwork that were submitted at
kal_wayneTitle: Bats and Other Party Animals
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Comments 18
I'm going to end up quoting *the whole story* here, but I can't help it! it's too awesome!
“Why? Are you and Booster going to spike the punch?” Bruce sneered. This whole thing was ridiculous. Grown men and women. The most powerful men and women in the universe. A good percentage not even human. Dance party.
You had me at that. I couldn't have stopped reading even if I wanted too. Dance Party.
Zooming in he saw Green Arrow and Black Canary making out. No surprise there. Switching to a hallway camera he saw Shining Knight and Vigilante making out. Still not really a surprise.
I just love, love, love that nobody is surprised about that. Really, Vigilante and SK have this thing going on that nobody can deny! I love them!!
“Nobody likes me,” Batman couldn’t believe he actually said that out loud.I started laughing out loud at that, and I don't think I ever stopped ( ... )
I just love JLU so much, and I have been watching it like crazy lately. One of my favourite aspects is the portrayal of downtime on the Watchtower. It made some sense to me for Wally to want to throw a big party.
When I started writing this I had two specific lines in my head: one was the Flash telling Batman that everybody in the club was gettin' tipsy. The other was what ended up being Aztec's line. I just wasn't sure who would be the funniest character to say it. I think Aztec was the right choice. He doesn't get to talk very often on the show.
Thanks again! I'm glad you liked it.
I could go on and on about this story, it was one of my favorites in the whole WFA, because the humor was so sly and the pacing so perfect and the kiss so freaking hot! Before I do actual quotes I'll just mention that one of my favoriute things about it was how much it evoked the feeling of a high school dance, with Batman stabnding in for the lonely geek who doesn't really want to go enjoy himself, but who wishes everyone wouldn't just take it for granted that he won't...
“The Flash’s Super Kick-Ass New Year’s Rockin’ Awesome Eve Party,” Superman read aloud.
You totally had me from this moment, that poster is one of the funniest things I've ever read, and so in-character for toonverse Flash.
“Nobody likes me,” Batman couldn’t believe he actually said that out loud ( ... )
I really wanted to keep this in character as much as possible, and I am glad that on the show the writers occasionally have Batman do or say something out of the ordinary, because I took that as permission to have him complain to Superman about not being invited to a party.
I'll admit, I laughed to myself when I thought of drunk John Stewart hanging off Batman. This was my first stab at writing Wally, and it was really fun. That guy writes himself.
I'm glad you liked the kiss. I felt that anything less than a hot kiss would be unsatisfying. And, check it out, I can keep it PG! I didn't know I had it in me!
Now to give you props (and I haven't posted any WFA comments yet because I have been so crazy busy lately, but that's my plan for the next few days): I laughed repeatedly at Bound and Determined, so saying that my story was far above everything else in the humor category is a dirty lie. Details to follow in your lj...
Thanks so much for the feedback! I'm touched and honoured that you liked it so
There is so much to love. Batman being all emo in the control room--not wanting to watch the party but watching the party. Emo-Batman is love in this story. He is just so... so... cute and emo and terribly, terribly funny.
And then the dancing and the kiss... oh, oh, and John and J'onn are both awesome and made of nuclear awesome. Old Skool keepin' it real!
And Wally. And Diana. But especially Wally. The fliers... everything.
Just awesome. Pirates vs Ninjas awesome.
I love emo-Batman. That's why I love the Giffen & DeMatteis Justice League comics of the 80s.
Wally is crazy fun to write. I want to write more of him.
Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it.
“Nobody likes me,” Batman couldn’t believe he actually said that out loud.
I couldn't believe he actually said that out loud. I was rolling!! And it just kept getting better and funnier after that!
“Batman doesn’t know how to have a good time.”
Superman leaned in, “But Bruce Wayne does. I’ve seen it.”
“I’m not dancing dressed like Batman.”
Too, too funny! =)
I won't bore you with all the other lines I thought were hilarious, but I will say I absolutely loved this! Thanx!
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