Fic: Table For Two, (An Intermission)

May 27, 2007 18:19

And now a quick intermission in the ongoing First Time For Everything series. I actually don't know what the real name of this full series is going to be, but for now we'll go with that.

I wanted to have a little interaction between Bruce and Harvey Dent, without it interfering with the quality Bruce/Clark time. So I wrote this little vignette to bridge parts 2 and 3 (coming soon). I wanted to give a little more meat to the Sal Maroni storyline, especially since we know that the trial will not end well for poor Harvey, if canon has taught us anything (acid in the face!!!). That stupid new picture of the movie version of Harvey Dent really crushed my enthusiasm for this vignette. He just doesn't look as sexy as I'd hoped. So I would suggest maybe picturing someone other than Aaron Eckhart here. I was.

So here we go with a quick dinner date between Harvey and Bruce. Part Three is in the works. I plan on making it the final installment. Probably.

Title: Table For Two, An Intermission
Pairing: Bruce/Kal (implied), Bruce/Harvey (implied), Harvey/everyone (implied)
Rating: PG-13 or something (language)
Word Count: 1323
Summary: After Bruce gets back from Metropolis, he meets with Harvey Dent for dinner for the first time since his old friend became District Attorney. Conversation happens.

Bruce made sure he was at least fifteen minutes late for his dinner date with Harvey Dent. He had to maintain the illusion of breezy playboy. He also had to keep in mind that, though Batman had met with Dent several times in the past couple of months, this was the first time Bruce had seen his friend since Harvey had become Gotham's youngest ever District Attorney.

Despite his careful timing, Bruce was surprised to find himself waiting alone at the secluded table for two for almost twenty minutes. He couldn't help but be concerned. He was about to pull out his phone when he finally saw Harvey enter the restaurant. He watched him stride toward the table, smiling as he noticed Bruce. Bruce stood to meet him, extending his hand.

"Harvey," he said. His friend ignored the hand and went in for a full embrace, even thumping Bruce on the back a couple of times.

"Bruce! It's good to see you again. Listen, I'm sorry I'm late, I hope you weren't waiting too long."

"No, I-"

"I'd like to be able to say that I have a noble excuse for my tardiness, but I'm afraid I can't. The truth, Bruce, is that," Harvey leaned in and whispered between his teeth, "My love life is a little crowded at the moment." When he pulled back, Bruce could see the familiar sparkle in Harvey's eye, and that same wicked grin that got Bruce in trouble all those times in college.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?"

"I didn't expect it to, Brucie. You know me. I'm all about balance...and equal opportunity."

Bruce smirked. "And who are the lucky two? Each of whom, of course, assuming that they are the love of Harvey Dent's life."

"One is the lovely Selina Kyle, who I believe you are quite familiar with if the gossip columns are true."

"They rarely are, but, yes. I know Selina."

"She's really something, Bruce."

"I know."

"The funny thing," Harvey said as he took his seat, "is that she's obsessed with the Maroni trial. Always asking me questions. I've got to say, not what I expected."

"Well, she has a brain. I know that may come as a shock to you."

Harvey ignored Bruce's comment and leaned forward across the table.

"The other one, and the reason why I'm late, is a rookie cop. Bruce, you should see him. Beautiful, and so full of hope it's heartbreaking. It's so rare to find anyone with an unbroken spirit in this town."

Bruce took a sip of water, studying his friend. He always had a playful, disheveled look to him, even in the courtroom. This could usually be attributed to the fact that Harvey had just fucked someone. Even now, Bruce felt himself drawn in by the gleam in his friend's hazel eyes, and the soft wave of his chestnut hair. He was quite stunning. For an Earthling.

"It's nice to know you haven't changed, Harv."

"So, what about you, Bruce. Breaking any hearts?"

"We can talk about me later. Let's order. I'm starving."

Bruce kept the conversation focused on Harvey's job during the meal, hoping to avoid discussing his own life. Fortunately, with Harvey, it wasn't hard to do.

"Bruce, we have so much on Maroni right now," Harvey said excitedly, waving a chunk of asparagus around on his fork, "so many witnesses coming out of the cracks, he's never getting out of jail. When this trial is over, he's finished."

Bruce noticed Harvey evenly dividing the food on his plate into two halves. It was strange behaviour, but he didn't say anything.

"And all it took was the best District Attorney this town's ever seen," Bruce said.

"I wish I could take all the credit, but I have to admit, I had some pretty outstanding, if not bizarre, help."

"Are you talking about this mysterious Batman fellow?"

"You're going to think I'm crazy, but that's exactly who I'm talking about. I've seen him, Bruce. I've talked to him. As close to him as you are to me right now."

"You're kidding," Bruce was enjoying himself now, "And what does he look like. Wings? Fangs? Red glowing eyes?"

"No. None of that. He's just a man in a costume, Bruce. I mean, he must have some sort of superpowers, but he's definitely a man."

"So it's probably safe to assume you've slept with him," Bruce joked.

"Very funny, but I don't do crazy."

"You think he's crazy?"

"Of course! He dresses like a bat!" Harvey took a moment to even the food out on his plate, "That doesn't mean he isn't doing a good job cleaning up this town, though."

"So you're ok with what he's doing? Doesn't it conflict with the law and order you're sworn to uphold."

"I don't expect you to understand this, Bruce, but being the DA of Gotham City really makes you re-think the difference between right and wrong. This Batman guy might not play by all the rules, but in the end he's taking down the bad guys, and he hasn't killed anyone. I don't mind looking the other way."

"How do you know he hasn't killed anyone?"

"I suppose I don't," Harvey frowned, "But I believe he hasn't. I don't think he would. He just wants people to think he would."

Bruce was warmed by his friend's words, even if he couldn't show it. If this was how Harvey viewed Batman, then Bruce was doing something right.

"Besides," Harvey continued, smiling, "I don't think we could bring him in if we wanted to. I wouldn't want to be the cop that tried."

Bruce laughed, grateful to have an authentic reason to.

"So," Harvey said, pointing his fork at Bruce, "You still haven't told me about your love life."

Bruce opened his mouth to reply, only to be cut off.

"And don't say there's nothing to tell," Harvey warned, "You know I won't believe that."

"Actually, I was going to say that there is someone."



Harvey raised an eyebrow. "You say there is someone and to me that means it's serious. We're not talking about the usual Wayne arm decoration, are we?"

"No. We're not," Bruce said, annoyed, "You jackass."

"Well, who is she?"

Bruce leaned back in his chair, smirking. Harvey studied him a moment before his eyes widened. He then suddenly, and very loudly, slapped the table with his hand.

"You're dating a man!"

"Jesus, keep it down, Harv."

"Sorry," Harvey whispered, leaning in, "But, you have to tell me about him."

"Fine, just shut up."

"So, you're actually dating a man. Not just fucking a man. We're talking about dinner and movies here, right?"

"Yes," Bruce said in a low voice, "I mean, I think so. There might be...that stuff."


Bruce smiled, "He's from Metropolis. He lives there. He's a reporter. I...I don't know how much I should disclose. We haven't really talked about...this whole thing..."

Harvey smiled, "God damn, Bruce. This is exciting. You're clearly crazy about the guy. I can tell."


"So you're happy?"

Bruce considered this a moment. When was the last time anyone used that word to describe him?

"Yeah," Bruce said slowly, realizing for the first time that it just might be true, "I think I am."

Harvey rested a hand on Bruce's arm across the table. "That's all I ever wanted for you, Bruce. You know that, right?"

"I know, Harvey. You've always been a good friend. Even after...everything."

Harvey studied the table for a moment. Bruce could tell he was searching for words.

"Listen, Bruce. I know that things were weird between us, after we..."

"It's ok, Harvey. We don't need to talk about it now."

"I know. I just want to say...I never regretted it. And I'm glad we could move past it. I would hate to lose your friendship."

Bruce rested a hand on top of Harvey's. "You won't, Harvey. I promise."

harvey dent, superman/batman, fanfic

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