Fic: Holiday In The Sun - Day Three

Jan 01, 2007 23:32

Title: Holiday In The Sun: Day Three
Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Disclaimer: If only I owned these guys…
Notes: For the worlds_finest "In Heat" Challenge. Filthy PWP. Not my usual style. To be continued tomorrow (and the next day…)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Superman gets all hot and bothered after a trip to the Sun. Bruce takes the heat.
Word Count: 1279

Bruce got into bed around 4am, trying to ignore the nagging disappointment that Clark hadn't made good on any of the promises made in the shower yesterday.

He reasoned that the excess energy Clark was storing from the sun must have finally worn off. He knew that was probably a good thing, but had a hard time convincing himself.

Bruce awoke an hour later to find himself spread-eagle and naked on top of the blankets. His arms and legs were attached with long ties to the four bedposts. And Clark was there, sitting between Bruce's legs, wearing nothing and smiling calmly.

"Clark! What the hell..."

"Hi, Bruce. Sorry I'm late."

"Late? How did you...untie me!"

"Sorry, Bruce. I can't do that. You look too good like this."

"Dammit, Clark," Bruce growled, struggling uselessly against the ties.

"Oh, you won't break those knots," Clark said, his tone amused, "Boyscout and all that."

It wasn't that Bruce minded Clark's sudden interest in bondage, it was just that he hated knowing that Clark was able to do all this to him while he was asleep. Unfortunately his cock wasn't able to stay mad at Clark, which sort of weakened his argument.

Clark crawled up Bruce's body, holding something.

"What are you doing?" Bruce asked, watching as Clark dabbed his finger in the small pot of black grease paint he now held in plain view.

Clark reached out his finger and ran it over Bruce's left eyelid, gently slicking it with the cool, thick cream. He did the same with the right eye.

"Where did you get that?" Bruce asked, watching Clark's face. It was filled with fascination as he carefully painted Bruce's eyes.

"Your make-up kit."

"Disguise kit," Bruce corrected, "How many new kinks am I going to learn about tonight?"

"We'll see." Clark's voice was distant as he studied Bruce's face. Bruce licked his lips nervously.


In response, the Kryptonian ran his tongue, cold as ice, over the contours of Bruce's chest and stomach. His whole body jolted in response. The bedposts shook, but the knots held tight.

Clark moved his tongue down to Bruce's hips, his thighs, all the way to his ankles. Agonizingly slow. He avoided his cock, even though Bruce thought, at this point, it was pretty tough to miss.

"Clark, please..."

Eyes like blue flames met Bruce's. "Patience, Bruce. We'll get to that. I've been wanting to see you like this for a long time, and I intend to enjoy it for as long as I can."

It took Bruce a moment to notice that his mouth had fallen open. He closed it as soon as he realized, still trying to maintain the illusion that his brain was not melting. That even though he was tied up, spread out, naked, and painted like a whore, he was still in control of the situation. That the fact that Superman was gently scraping teeth that could eat a container ship up the insides of Bruce's thighs wasn't making him moan. Wasn't making his whole body shake. Wasn't making him thrust uselessly into the open air.

"You should see yourself, Bruce," Clark said, finally bringing himself up so they were face to face, "Your eyes look so incredible like this. No wonder your mask has lenses. Criminals would fall in love with you if they saw how pretty they look surrounded by black."


Clark smirked, "It's the best word for it. You would agree if you could see yourself, I'm sure."

"I doubt it."

Clark kissed him.

"I'm going to untie your legs because I want you to sit up."


"Because what I've been thinking about all day is what you would look like sucking my cock like this."

By now Bruce should really be getting used to this newer, bolder, dirtier Clark. But it was hard to prepare himself for statements like that coming from the Man of Steel. Bruce could only swallow as Clark untied his ankles. He moved himself up to a sitting position and Clark kneeled between his legs. He leaned down and kissed Bruce slowly. Bruce's cock would really like some attention, but it seemed that he had to earn it today.

"Are you watching?" Bruce asked, glancing up at Clark.

"Yes, Bruce. I don't want to miss a second." He ran a hand through Bruce's hair.

Bruce took Clark's cock in his mouth. He sucked hard, wildly licking and wishing he could reach out and touch and grab. He kept his eyes locked on Clark's. They were all that he had to control Clark with. His eyes and his mouth, which, for Bruce, were more than enough. He would make Clark understand that they were more than enough. Even in this position, Bruce could hold all the cards.

Above him Bruce heard sharp intakes of breath and low moans. Breathless, isolated words like "beautiful" and "mine" fell from Clark's lips as he fucked Bruce's mouth. One hand planted firmly in Bruce's hair, and the other finally, mercifully, finding Bruce's aching cock. Bruce let out a hiss of breath as he sucked, closed his eyes as Clark slid his hand roughly up and down.

Bruce's arms were tired. A lesser man might be in agony by now. He ignored the pain, then welcomed it. Invited it to be a part of what they were doing. Just another sensation rushing through his body, like the raw heat curling in his abdomen with each stroke of Clark's hand. With each profane outburst from Clark's mouth. With each careful thrust of Clark's hips into his mouth. He could see his indestructible legs tremble on either side of him, and he knew it wouldn't last much longer. For either of them.

Clark came into his mouth yelling Bruce's name between noises that sounded like crying. Bruce watched his face and swallowed endlessly. Clark's eyes were so big, like he couldn't believe what was happening, and it was amazing that any sensation could still excite Superman this way.

His hand kept a rhythm on Bruce's cock as Clark caught his breath. Somehow he managed to lose it during sex, which Bruce couldn't understand but didn't want to question. Didn't want to know if it was only an act. Didn't want to know anything except what Clark was thinking at that exact moment as he gazed down on him, then leaned down to kiss him.

"I want you to come, Bruce. Now."

Bruce's whole body arched off the bed as he came in bursts onto his own stomach. He was completely gone because Clark had decided to say that in his most Superman tone of voice. And that was too much. A stream of nonsense and obscenities flew out of Bruce's mouth. He might have asked Clark to marry him.

As Bruce struggled to regain his composure, Clark calmly got up and left the room, returning with a wet cloth. He used it to wipe Bruce's stomach.

"You know, if you untie me, I could do that myself."

Clark gave a small smile and reached up to casually slice a finger through both ties. Bruce was relieved to finally relax his arms, but let Clark continue to wash him because it actually was kind of enjoyable.

"I thought you were going to use that to wipe the make-up off."

"I thought you said it wasn't make-up."


A long kiss and then Clark was standing.

"I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow."

Bruce glanced up as he rubbed his wrists. Clark was already in full Superman costume.

"Tomorrow, as in later today?"

Clark grinned, "I don't want to spoil the surprise."

"I hate surprises."

"You'll like this one."

On to Day Four!

superman/batman, challenge, fic

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