So much for sleep.

Mar 08, 2009 06:53

Spectacular nightmare, there- Leah and I were going to a weird college, where all the buildings were like a quarter mile apart in a forest. We both had weird poetry classes together, one of them where we analyzed song lyrics, another where we gloried in being called poets (that one was lame). We were out taking a walk with the teacher of the former, talking about stuff, then he got a little ahead of us. It was cold, so I put an arm around her, told her I loved her, kissed her on the shoulder, then she sighed and I remembered we'd broken up. She grudgingly tolerated the arm as we walked through a big field of bermuda grass that had gone to seed until we got to the classroom, where I saw a thirty foot snake go into it- next thing I know, we're inside the building, teacher sees the thing- a rattlesnake- crawling around inside. However, he doesn't see the other snake that's coming down the stairs, or any of the three pythons moving around upstairs. The second gargantuan rattler, this one only about twenty feet, sticks its head over near us- I push Leah behind me and it focuses on my torso, I feel its tongue flick out and run over me. It says something, I don't remember what, and then lunges at me. It must have misjudged the distance, as it was going for my crotch but only gets a mouthful of fabric- I scream, it lunges again, and I snap awake whimpering.

Doubt I'm going to be able to get any more sleep now.

leah, dream

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