Jan 26, 2009 15:35
That was one of the most bizarre dreams I've had in a long time.
Starts out somewhere in Mesa, hanging out with old school buddies. Sadly, don't remember what we were doing, but we finished up and were departing. All my stuff was in two bags- my satchel and my duffel. The satchel went in James' van, and i was carrying the duffel. We needed more cars than we had; so, we decided to take them from from the cops who apparently owned the house. There were two in the garage as we entered, one of them tall and black, looking about halfway between gt. Doakes of the Dexter TV show, and Obama; the other was a nondescript white guy. We decide to jump them- I run up to the black guy, who's busy drawing a knife, so I punch him and run past; someone else gets into melee with him so he can't follow me. We knock out the other guy, and start piling into vehicles. The black policeman is trying to keep people from climbing into this jeep- they chase each other around the outside, and then everyone hops in, and he vaults over the windshield to be in the drivers' seat.
We do some driving about, lose track of James' van, and eventually I wind up at work. There's a new guy there- he looks like Fr. Norman from Carnivale, but it turns out he's the Pope. We all chat a bit then head out, with the Pope and I sharing a carpool. Grr, and the rest of the details have finished slipping away. I know we went and did something else, and it was really strange.
Anyways, found out when Jeff called a couple hours ago that they're just gonna knock off my saturday morning shift, and if I feel up to it, I can stay later my other days to try and make up for some of the time i'd be losing- the people they'd been interviewing for graveyard apparently weren't able to secure a job after the interview, which is sorta pathetic, considering how easy it seems the job is. I'm glad he's so reasonable about it- I don't want to have to go job hunting in this economy.
Anyways, now back to sleep.