Nov 01, 2007 14:34
The MU is on fire.
No, really. Something on the second/third floor caught fire, and the alarms went off, with everyone going outside. Most of them made it out before the sprinklers went off, which was the time that the administration realized 'hey, this one might be real' (Side note- the alarms go off very, very regularly, but there's almost never any real reason for it; the sprinklers, on the other hand, never go off) and called the fire department.
From what I could see outside (I had to hit up a couple of my friends who were inside to get the full story), it looked like most of the place is out of luck; between smoke, water and fire damage, i bet they're gonna declare the building unfit and build a new one. Which would be nice; then we'd have a building that wasn't thirty years out of code packed with people at lunch.
Last night was amazing, though. Headed to Melanie's halloween party dressed as a monk; Todd went as Rev. Al Sharpton, and Rachel went as some guy from the Silent Hill games. I had two shots of peach schnapps, two or three shots of rum, a shot of tequila, followed by two beers, four smirnoffs, and two Hornsby's hard ciders. My brain then proceeded to go 'alright, body, you've had a hard month- i'm just gonna sit back while you enjoy yourself.'
Finally around 2 AM, everyone was trickling out, so i walked home- it was only a couple miles- and walked through the Sonic drive-thru, because all I'd eaten was some pizza early in the day. Have I ever mentioned how much I love their coneys? Got home, had a big glass of water, and passed out.
I had some seriously trippy dreams- most of them too explicit to write down here, but for anyone curious, just IM me. The last one was the most rational of them- I was in the Safeway parking lot, but I was a mage (from WoW), then there was a small explosion at the back and a huge earthquake. One car managed to roll onto it's roof in the next space over, the rest were fine.
Now I'mma go finish that pizza.