The End

May 26, 2010 12:54

I can't come up with a more creative title.

Hell, I can't summon any sort of coherency, so that I can begin putting down my thoughts after The End.

At this point, I can't grasp the fact that it's over. LOST is over. 6 years, I've lived this show. I've spent my free time in forums, I've argued theories, I've laughed, raged, cried, gasped....

6 years, and it's done.

And even at the end, this show had the capacity to surprise me. I thought I had the ending sussed out, my veteran status should've guaranteed at least this much.

But it floored me. I've been mulling it over ever since, between sighs and bouts of tears for my dear Jack. Who died. Exactly the way he'd always wanted. As a hero, as a fixer, as the one who saved them all.

Nothing less would've been fitting.

I freely admit to being gutted, overwhelmed, a whole range of feeling. And I don't care how pathetic I sound, or how damned geeky I come off. This was my show, damnit, and I'll mourn if I want to.

I will write up a near-coherent summary of The End, in a few days. It's just too early right now.

lost, the end, jack

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