A cheat post

May 30, 2005 22:20

Okay, so this post probably won't be as long as I'd hoped it would be, since I'm getting back home so late (10:20 p.m.) and my mom will make me "go to bed" sometime very soon. Argh. I'm 20, Mom, I'm allowed to stay up past 11 p.m....

So, quick little update on my summer as of today:

I just got back from hanging out with Jeff, Saige, Megan, Tara and Tara's roommate, Jenna. I haven't seen Saige and Megan in two years, I'm pretty sure. (Don't tell anyone, but I've always been afraid that they don't like me that much, but Tara and Jeff keep insisting that they do, so I went this time...) At Applebee's, I accidentally said something about MSU that came out the wrong way, and I was afraid Megan took offense to it. I hope she didn't! I was afraid I'd accidentally offended Jeff once, too, but I'm hoping I'm wrong there, as well... ? :( Tara's roommate is from South Carolina, and she's visiting Michigan this week.

Earlier today, my friend Melissa, from Carman-Ainsworth, came over to look at my wardrobe with me. She and her sister Angie talked me into going to their Uncle Dave's wedding next weekend, but we didn't think I had anything wedding-appropriate to wear. We went shopping yesterday, and Melissa and Angie really liked one of the skirts I tried on, but I really didn't. Silly me, I bought it (of course), but Melissa knew I didn't really want it (or want to spend the thirty bucks on it plus however much I would have spent on a matching shirt), so she volunteered to help me find something in my closet. And, much to my happiness, we did. I hope the wedding's fun! We went to a wedding together once, and I remember it being fun, but I think we were thirteen (or close to). I'm a little more shy now... don't know if I'll do much dancing.

Been hanging out with Melissa a lot in the past few days. It's strange. I go months and months without talking to her (not really even an e-mail), and then all of a sudden we spend four days together. Craziness. Friday night after work, I went putt-putting with Melissa and Steven. (Steven from homecoming my sophomore year, for any of you who may know who I'm talking about.) It was a ton of fun. Just like old times. :) I hadn't seen Steven in five years. He's changed. A lot. Some things good, some things bad, just like all of us. But the three of us still had fun together! I bet it'll always be fun.

Finally hung out with Charlotte and Neal, too! Charlotte, Neal, Tara, Jeff and Jenna were hanging out at Tara's yesterday night and had a bonfire, and I joined them later on. (Although Tara doesn't have a burning permit!! ;-) )It was pretty fun. I should have left before going out on Charlotte's boat, though. Shouldn't have called my mom to try to get a "curfew" extension!

I feel like my social equilibrium is a little helter-skelter right now. It's kind of disconcerting. I hope it's back to normal soon.

My mom came home today and said she saw Andy at VG's this afternoon. So on the way to Applebee's, I cruised through the VG's parking lot (it's definitely on the way -- the parking lots connect, so don't think I'm psycho!) juuuuuust in case he was still working. He was. I think he was surprised to see me (since he'd just seen my mom), but I told him I was on my way next door and my mom had said she'd seen him, etc. He didn't seem to mind (or think I was crazy). I'm a little afraid I got him in trouble, though. I ended up parking my car and walking inside with him to try to make it look like he wasn't just standing around doing nothing, but I think he probably still looked like it. Oops!

I always look for Braden's car when I drive by his house, but it's never there. If I ever see it, I'm stopping to say Hi. I kinda miss him. :(

Back to work tomorrow. This long weekend was sooo nice. I can't believe I needed it already, and I've only been interning for a month. Must this always happen? I know during my regular part-time-working summers and the school years, sometimes the only thing that gets me through is knowing that I have a long weekend coming up or one of my classes has been canceled or I have a day off or some other kind of holiday-type occasion is soon occurring. It even happens with fun things like internships? Yikes.

("It's almost eleven, Kathryn." Thanks, Mom, I know. Why don't you go to bed, then?)

I've gotten to know William a lot better! I'm really glad. He's super cool. I never quite know what to call him, though. People call him everything -- William, Will, Bill, Ketchum. Hmmm. I'll probably end up sticking to William.

William and I were both on the front page the other day! We both wrote articles pertaining to Memorial Day. People kept joking about the interns taking over. :)

I seriously think I went out to lunch every single day last week. That's baaaaaaaaad. My pocketbook can't afford that! Everyone always stresses how important it is to go to lunch with the reporters, though, and to get to know them, so I never want to pass up the opportunity. And it's been fun, too. I went out with Corey and Darryl the most often, I think. Darryl took me to the courthouse with him one day, too (he's the courts reporter). That was really cool. He explained a lot of stuff to me about how the courts actually work, and I got to meet a lot of people I've read about. One of the judges even remembered me because I'd gotten a comment from him at a mock trial I covered once (he was the judge for the trial). He was really nice. Everyone really seemed to like Darryl a lot. And they all golf. It was unbelievable. After saying hello to each other and after Darryl introduced me, every single person said something to Darryl about golfing. I kidded him about it a couple of times. It was so strange! I asked if he golfed because he liked it, or because it was good for business. He said both. :) I, uh, ran into one of the police officers I met during my little fender-bender incident, too. He remembered me. Yep. Speaking of which, to try to get out of my $95 fine? Informal hearing before a magistrate: 11 a.m. June 2. Ew. (I told Darryl about the incident, and he knows the other cop, too. The one who wrote me the violation... figures, huh? Embarrassing! That'll teach me not to hit other cars in cities where I work again.)

All right, time to appease my mother and banish myself to my room for the night. Night, all! ;-)
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