Lunar [EcLipSE]; 13

Oct 25, 2007 16:58

Medea, I have a request. It is not a personal one, but one, rather, that I feel needs immediate addressing.

There seems to have been quite a few selfless acts last night. Amidst the horrible explosions, there were courageous hearts to be found. Some chose to defend rather than hide, and this sort of heroism, I think, ought to be rewarded.

Some people died rescuing friends and even strangers, and others who didn't die, but still managed to rescue people, or tried to rescue them, they deserve something for these brave efforts. This sort of bravery, this honorable behavior, should not go forgotten or unappreciated...

Please. Perhaps some of these people could be moved to the upper level, or perhaps even have a wish of theirs granted?

Their moral is low thanks to this... they need to be inspired to keep being strong.

You were so brave... so good.

I am sorry for all that I said before to you, for how I treated you, for the unjust way in which I was behaving. You deserved none of those cold words...

Perhaps you are a demon, Karasu, but you are... also a hero. I will keep my promise to you, this I swear. I... thank you, with all of my heart. You have no idea what it meant to me... no idea at all.


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