Finished up a Beasts of Burden script, outlining another. Sarah and I did a cover for some comic book thing. We're doing some production work on something else comic-related -- its turned into an ordeal, not wholly unexpected. Contracts arrived on two upcoming projects, one comic-booky, one not, both really interesting. A Bill and Ted commission underway, two or three other commissions in the rough/idea stage. Accepted another commission this week, the last for some time owing to the work schedule. Might be doing a CD cover for an indy musician. Asked to do a bunch of interviews out of the blue, two related to the Hectic Planet/band/ska stuff I did back in the day. Was invited to a convention outside North America, been a while since anyone offered me plane tickets. Wonder if I can fly, it's been a while since I started getting back on those contraptions. This would be worth it if time my schedule/anxiety disorders allowed. Still working on a Bart Simpson 10-strip, pencils finally done, inks begun:
Not much time to read lately, what I have been able to cram in has mostly been work-related, ye olde English magic malarkey and canine history for Beasts research, as well as some old horror pulp for mood. Finished up volume 12 of Lone Wolf and Cub early this morning when I couldn't sleep, by the time I hit 90 I'll hopefully have read that entire series. My offhand guess is there will be more killing and stuff.
Been listening to some episodes of the Ink Panthers podcast while penciling, mainly the Pro Tips interviews. Which have not really been about any kinds of professional tips, mostly just interesting comics-centric conversations with folks like Jim Rugg and Frank Santoro. I turned one off because the interview subject drove me up the wall, but I enjoyed the other conversations I listened to. The Dylan Horrocks episode was fun, they mostly talked about role-playing games, D&D, and the like, and how they affect story and whatnot. Enjoyed that, my ye olde D&D days definitely had an effect on my writing -- working up game scenarios and characters and creatures and seeing how they played out with responses from the players was always an interesting experience. And fun. I make fun of that stuff but I enjoyed playing games, sometimes I find myself missing them. Now I get to write goofy stuff for a living, but I have to admit in some ways it's not as much fun without a live audience every week. And company.
Guess that's it, really. Don't collapse from all the excitement here, folks. I know I won't.