:: *does happy dance* I have internet! I have internet! At the new LB place that is. 8D
It was so frustrating getting the wireless router to work though. At first, it didn't want me to rename it. Then I was able to connect to it but not to the world wide web. O_o; Then Peter and I realized that the modem and router were using the same IP address. So yeah...after almost a day's worth of WTF WHY WON'T THIS WOOORRKKK!!??!? All I needed to do was change the fucking IP addy on one of them, i.e. one tiny litte digit. Grr. Well, at least it's working now.
:: Ah. House is coming back next week, huh? I saw the cast on the Emmy's this weekend. I dunno where Jesse was...or I totally missed him. Lol. WHERE WAS RSL? D; And boo, Rainn Wilson didn't win! It was really creepy though when you looked into the audience and saw Dwight hovering above ppl, a few rows back from the House cast, hahaha. He stuck out like a sore thumb. XD And I found out that Hiro from Heroes DOES speak English in the show, lol. I was under the impression he only spoke Japanese. But then again, I've only seen his scene in the first ep ever and that's the extend of my viewage of that show. ^^;
:: Oh and never take Fiber Pattern Design. The assignments are SO tedious. X___x; I mean LOOK AT THIS!:
I still need to cut the black paper to mount these on and make two ogee (google it, I'm too tired to look for an example) motifs on the comp. All due tomorrow at 4 pm. Thank god I don't have Portfolio Prep tomorrow or else I'd prolly be screwed.
Oookay, enough rambling for today. Ciao.