More Art and More Failed Attempts at Sports

Jul 23, 2008 08:59

There's some goofy event at a forum I'm a member of in which they're having one of those Miss Universe kind of things for comic characters. I decided to enter this time, so here are a few pics I made. I like how they came out for the most part. One pic had to be Swim Wear, and the other was either Winter or Formal Wear:

In other news, some friends and I played softball yesterday. There were only three of us, so one at bat, one pitching, and one fielder. Also, we only had two balls and we're not very good. It made for a tiring evening of chasing balls, but it was fun. I'm heading off to a batting cage tomorrow with one of my other friends. I'm alright at batting, so I may as well hone that skill in poor attempts to overcompensate for that fact I can't field worth crap. I guess it woulda helped if I were in little league as a kid, but I wasn't allowed to really do anything. Oh well, no time like the present.
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