Jan 30, 2005 18:20
friday: went to maplewood with about 20 people right after school. after that me, krista, jackie, jason, and pat ended up at nicks and renee came later on. we mostly just hung around his house, watched some movies, and all and all it was a good night.. then we went to FNS where pat went down the hill in just boots and his boxers down by his ankles, its on tape, but most of u already know this. so yeah that was friday.
saturday: nothing eventful happened in the morning. krista came over around 4 and met my parents. we hung out for awhile, watched some movies, yeah, and then we went and met up with nick. then we went to staples to get pat when he got out of work. so then jason called and we went to barnes and nobles where jason, steve, mollie, meagan, sarah and some other people were, so nick went and "kidnapped" jason but then we ended up just leaving and jason went back so we went to BK. my night went downhill from after me and krista left my house but yeah.. on with the story. at BK mollie and meagan got pissed at me i think cause i guess i planned to hang out with them, yeah, i did but it wasnt definate, so i dont get what the big deal was. anyways. then we left them and on the way to north cause pat wanted to get his sleds we left krista slammed on her gas and ran right into the back of the X and scratched up Sunny, i thought it was funny. so yeah we went to north, got the sleds, then we went home. end of story.
sunday: i worked 9-5 and MB and didnt mind it as much as i thought i would, mostly cause i wasnt on express, i swear express makes people angry cause of the people that are going through it. anyways so yeah now im sitting at home doing nothing other than typing this up which just took up a good 15 mins to do. tomorrow 2nd semester starts. im excited, i have sports and ent marketing, accounting 3, pottery, and semantics.
in like 4-5 months we're graduating, its crazy. ok im done.