September 11th...

Sep 11, 2005 22:26

First things first: It's September eleventh. I'm not going to belabor the point but it's an important day in my opinion even though it's not an official holiday or anything.

This not having an internet connection in my house thing is sucking so much. I missed fd_midori's book signing because I didn't know about it in time to go. Same with Victor's birthday party, as well as some other stuff I'm in no mood to recount at the moment.

Friday, worked on my tan. Done that a lot lately. I'm quite tanned at the moment. Went to services Friday night. Got up at 7 am Saturday morning. Did a shoot for AMA Video where I spanked two naughty girls and did some other porn-ish stuff to them. It was fun because I played the mean bitch Mistress, complete with shiny thigh high boots. We were out of there by 3 pm so I was hoping to make it to AIM before they closed. When I went to deposit my check, I drove to the atm over by Critter's place. I do my banking at the Teacher's Federal Credit Union in stead of a regular bank and I'm glad I do because they hooked me up with an excellent deal on my Saturn. So I can only go to certain atm's and the one by Critter's place is the only one I know of in the valley and when I drove up to the atm it was not there any more. The bastards removed it. The next nearest atm I can use to deposit a check that I know of is in downtown LA and I couldn't drive down there for reasons that will become clear shortly and I couldn't get in front of a computer at the moment. So I pulled into a gas station and got some gas and asked them where the nearest check cashing place was and they told me so I went there and cashed my check. By the time I got done with all that hassle, it was too late to go to AIM so I was bummin'. So instead I went to a thrift store on Ventura Blvd. of which I'm quite fond and did a shopping. I got two long black dresses, a long black velvet skirt and a cute thistle crochet cardigan. I tried on some pleather pants and I really wanted them but the didn't fit.

So then I drove to La Buca restaurant on Melrose to have dinner with my friend Sighris. Dinner was great and then we went to Bluespace for Heidi's one-woman art show. nycbluegirl included the picture of me looking down in the blue corset. I'm glad she did. I was hoping she would put that in the show. It's one of my favorite pics. I get all sentimental looking at it because when it was taken I was still fairly new in the biz and I believed some things I no longer was just a different time.

Then Sighris and I went to Bar Sinister and danced and generally had a great time. I had a nice chat with James who I haven't had nearly enough opportunities to speak to over the last couple of years. I had a great time at Bar Sinister, but Im wishing I'd have hit this birthday party I heard about instead. Don't you hate it when you hear you missed a great party?

I woke up the next morning, had breakfast at IHOP on Sunset, and drove TWO FUCKING HOURS to get to Carlsbad to see Critter. I worked on my tan some more and he took me out to a great dinner and then we went and hung out at the home of his friend Tom while he did some recording engineer work and I watched Surreal Life and websurfed. I wish I had my digicam with me so I could take a pic of Tom's VMA and post it. I couldn't help myself so I picked it up and it was heavy.

I have another spanking shoot for AMA as a Dom and a bondage shoot on Wednesday.

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