Hace unos días encontre este meme:
Fifteen things about books. Fue amor a primera vista^^. Entre todas las personas que lo habían hecho encontre
una que como su primera cosa sobre libros decía
1. As are many who may read this--I am a Reader. And yes, I capitalized Reader
on purpose. There are readers (small 'r') and Readers (big "R"). Small 'r'
people may read a lot. They may enjoy reading. But usually when there is nothing
else to do, or the tasks of the day are finished, or it's too cold to go
outside, or it's the shank of the evening and a book is there to help them wind
down before bed. But big "R" Readers are a different breed. They read all the
time. Everywhere. To a Reader life is an interruption between chapters. A reader
may have one book they are currently working on. A Reader usually has several
books that they are reading simultaneously. I am a Reader. And as other Readers
will understand, it borders on the edge of mental disorder.
, lo cual describe perfectamente mis sentimientos al respecto, para mi la vida es realmente una interrupción entre capitulos, porque la verdad es que son raros los momentos en que estoy más contenta haciendo otra cosa que leyendo y me parece muy razonable que así sea, porque, al final, lo único que cuenta es cuan feliz has sido.
Ahora sobre esa interrupción tengo un par de cosas que contar:
1. Me cai en el metro/subte/subway por estar apurada para llegar al trabajo y subir corriendo por las escaleras mecanicas, me hice dos cortes en la rodilla lo bastante profundos para requerir puntos así que vino una ambulancia y me llevó y me cosieron y dolío más la puta anestecia que los puntos, claro. Ahora ya estoy mejor aunque aun tengo hilos enganchados que no parecen planear irse muy pronto. How will I wear minies now??!1??
2. Estoy trabajando en Kentucky(fast-food, think Mcdonalds) y es aburridooooo y cansador porque lo único que hago es estar en la sala recogiendo bandejas y limpiando porque aun no me dieron el curso necesaria para poder estar dentro de la cocina, porque al caerme obvio que no llegue.
3. Tengo carnet de la biblioteca de la uni y me parece que eso señala que se acabo la interrupción.
4. Ok, no, aun tengo un par de boludeces, mi familia va a venir para acá en Navidad y va a ser la primera vez que la festejemos de verdad, tipo, una vez fuimos a casa de mis primos y mi mamá estaba de un humor de perros pero nunca la prepare yo misma, ayer arme el arbolito xD. (My mom has that weird belief that Christman was Christian but the Wise men weren't, I have never figured out her obscure logic and won't recommend trying, but the point is we only got presents and did all the ceremony for the later, I think my dad didnt complain because it was less money that way XD)
5. Aura's visiting soon,
Aurum_18 if you are, by chance, reading, you should be studying *sonrisa malvada*
Sfinea has forgotten about me again *hints* when she should be being helpful as the only real Christian person I know and telling me who I need to buy presents for and who I can skip if i don't feel like(AKA don't have the money).
7. Another good idea in that meme was to have a minimalized reading journal, o sea, un journal para poner resumidito todo lo que lees, así que cree
Readingz por sí alguien se moría por oirme hablar de libros también ese 5% del tiempo en que no lo hago ya.
...Fifteen things about books...
1. I spent all my time in "Olivar Gran" High School reading under my desk, once I even read when they were giving as a lecture for doing something wrong, when the teacher told me off for not paying attention I told her very firmly that since I hadn't done anything wrong and was being forced to stay there anyway I didn't feel I had to hear how stupid the others were since I already knew.
2. I have a thing for books about books, especially that ones that are "the 100 best fantasy/novels/whatever" and that come with intriguing descriptions that made me want to read them all, even though I usually cannot get hold of almost any of them.
3. I don't remember learning to read, my first reading memory is when my sister Mijal was learning to read by reading the signs of the streets and I kept correcting her and acting all adult like though I was like seven. I'm guessing that since I remember doing my first-grade homework allright I already read ok by then.
4. Though I have always had a fascination with stories and made my dad told me stories before bed for hours at a time every night for years and supposedly liked baby story books as a baby I don't remember knowing how fascinating books were, that I was a Reader, till I was like ten and had a really cool teacher who read to us, I think even before that I've been writing stories in my head, after that I started writing them down.
5. I have always wanted to know how many books I've read, I had yet to succed.
6. I read everywhere(the bathroom, the car using the car behind us lights) and are very indiscret about my reactions, people in the subway must believe I'm crazy, especially when I'm smiling like loony because of philosophy books XD.
7. The only thing I always praise about Spain is not is Social security or it's cultural background or the possibily it offers, but its libraries, Spain public libraries system is a dream come true for someone who had to buy(wich implied a lot of parent-pleading) any books she wanted to read having access only to poorly provided school libraries.
8. I can re-read books(though I don't do it very often because now I have lots of new shinny books at my disposition) but I cannot seem to read them after watching the cinematographic versions. It happened with Great Hopes and with some others before I learned.
9. I usually carry a book around and if I have a book for school I had to leave mine home or I won't do a thing with "Hamlet" (it turned out to be cool when there were, like, twenty pages left) if I don't have a book is because I'm planning on writing but I usually have one anyway If I don't have too many school books for it to fit.
10. Books are, besides stickers when I was like ten, the only thing I have stolen and it's my rule that I only took risk for valuable books who are, of course, terribly overpriced. Once, with Barbara Vine's Grasshoppers I took it from one Corte Inglés and then it the alarm sounded when I was going out the other Corte Inglés, I acted very cooly and explained I had bought it in the other one and that I had thrown out the ticket, of course, and the security guy took the book and de-activated the alarm for me xDDD.
11. I don't like Edgar Allan Poe nor Artur Conan Doyle, though both of name have admitelly cool names, furthermore, I didn't like Borges's El Aleph although I usually like his quotes, especially that one that more than a quote is a poem "If I had to leave again..." I haven't been unable to finish any Dickens books, I tried Great Hopes and David Copperfield, the first was because I had watched the movie(which I liked) and the second just because... I let Tolkien bore the hell out of me with The Hobbit and the first half of Lord of rings I, which I abandoned to never return, but I liked his notes, meaning, The Sinmarillion To add salt to the injury I had a hard time not falling asleep with the third movie.
12. I had a Sydney Sheldon phase and a even longer Sthepen King phase(which finished with the regrettable "The Dreamcatcher"), Anne Rice was more like a period but since she's apparently forgotten how to write the intriguing things she did in Interview with the vampire or Cry to heaven and has instead decided to insult people who noticed I have decided to forget she's still alive.
13. I preffer to read in the pc than in paper most of the time, I'm not sure if it's because it's more comfortable or because that way I don't waste paper and ink and then have to be left insatisfied because of course I only printed till chapter X and the great climax is in the next, no matter I don't actually have the time to read the next chapter because I've just finished reading that one under my desk.
14. I usually have to read something to wake up, I make coffee and start reading something in the pc every morning, even if it's just my f-list, if I don't read something I cannot properly wake up.
15. My reading speed is apparently really slow, last I checked 300 words a minute, which is a wonder because wasn't it supposed to improve with practice and why have I problems reading to quickly outloud? but I'm in truth pretty grateful because if good books were over any sooner I will cry.
Oh, by the way, Happy Christmas and new year! XD