Sep 24, 2015 01:41

В Амстердаме открылась выставка Винсента Ван Гога - Эдварда Мунка.

Норвежская Королева Соня (Sonja) слушает пояснения директора Музея Ван Гога Axel Ruger. Еще правее директор Музея Мунка в Осло Stein Olav Henrichsen

Дальше прямо-таки рекламирую: посетите Амстердам (кстати, есть френд, которому это - из Дюссельдорфа-то - раз плюнуть).

Exhibition Munch : Van Gogh

Discover the parallels between two iconic artists: Vincent van Gogh and Edvard Munch. Admire the many masterpieces from all over the world, including ‘The scream’ by Munch and 'Starry night over the Rhone' by Van Gogh in one spectacular exhibition.

25 September 2015 - 17 January 2016

In Munch : Van Gogh, the focus is on the parallels between two iconic artists. Their visions on life and art are closely related, despite the fact that they never met. Their work is colourful, intense, expressive and radical. Their lives are remarkably similar in many ways.

For that reason, Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) and the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch (1863-1944) are often mentioned together. Experience it for yourself and book your tickets online now.

yahoo news, Голландия, художники, Осло, Норвегия, шляпки, короли, выставки, Ван Гог, музеи, Амстердам

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