Aug 18, 2005 10:37
so im totally torn btween two guys and its really super hard to choose
which one is the better choice......ok so i need some answers on
one hand a have a young pure athlete ok job a lil quiet nice boy my dad
likes who has a nice car good kisser and tenders to my need a lot more
than his own,but he seems to be hiding something like hes might
have lied to me about something but i havent noticed it or i just have
been clueless about it. And on the other hand i have a 19yr old with a
great job nice ass impala cute as a button never lies to me and is
totally syraight forward with his wants and need and would love to just
be with me as in just either cuddling or hell starin at me for hours on
end, but he works second shift that means i never get to see him until
like 2 am but i have to a sleep by than since schools startin up soon,
i could see him on the weekends but things just dont seem as
seems that boy number one isnt always truthful with his wherabouts but
i can understand why i mean we really havent known each other that long
and if he still is unsure of my trustworthyness than i
completely understand but id rather have someone that tells me straight
up what they are doin insteadof hiding it acting like id judge or care,
unless y akno hes like at some chicks house havein sex with them i
highly doubt id care where they i can really ramble?!?!?!
im just confused and i think the secret boy one is hiding is that he
says hes a virgin but i mean the way he acts and seems to always be
thinking about having sex ...hhhmmm.. it seems likes not and has
experienced it more than once and id be perfectly content with that
fact if i was told the truth but i mean why put yerself in denial when
i im bout 75% sure im right!?!?!? well if he feels he should lie to me
than i guess there has to be a good reason because i havent lied to
these gentlemen once and i really dont intend to. if i do happen to lie
to one than maybe it was for a good reason but i doubt that id lie to a
guy whos im suppose to be seein, i see no reason......
ok this next subject is about a great friend whos
changin like extrmely drastically, they have become horribly shady and
are acting as though im an enemy and ive been tryin to keep opur
friendship in tact but if there is only one perosn in that relationship
than i see no reason to even keep it if you kno who i am
talkin about maybe you should give me a call because we both kno thing
about each other that dont need to be put out there and if it comes
down to it and i find out it was seriously goin to ruin yer
life... and if you kno me you kno i dont play not with shit like this