Finals. Take me now, Lord.

Dec 09, 2004 13:31


It's that time of year again, peoples. Time for the college student to buckle down, do the reading he or she hasn't done all semester, and prepare for that most useless of pastimes, THE FINAL. Because, really, when has a final proven anything other than the ability to memorize and regurgitate facts? (I'm a papers girl myself.)

I'm in my last two weeks of the fall semester here at good ol' American University, and it is possible that I may in fact be already dead.

I've already turned in a paper for Theory (and with a class name like "Theory," you know it must have been fun), so that part is out of the way. However, a major project presentation is coming up, a PR writing portfolio is due, and a Research Methods final that requires me to do math for the first time since I realized that an English degree would reduce the necessity of my needing anything more than math (obviously I was wrong). Never mind the fact that I have pretty much just stopped sleeping.

I want to cry.

College students, this post is for you. Feel free to use this space to rant, commiserate, beg for sympathy or just plain burst into tears. I'm here for you.


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