Time again for my every-other-year appeal to my of age American peoples: Vote.
Yeah, it should be an annual plea, but I fully admit that I didn't vote last year (something about not having enough money to pay taxes in my state, so I didn't rightly care where the money I wasn't giving them went. Weak, I know.) But given my age group's voting record (last year in the 18-24 age group HOMG!), I think even voting every other year is a good start. And I plan on voting (and bothering you!) next year, now that I am a full-fledged, responsible member of society on account of my paying taxes and taking Civics classes in high school and all.
So, join me, my friends.
Look up your races and referendums (the later are important too, especially if you are, like me, in the great state of Virginia), and cast your vote tomorrow. Sure there are no presidential elections involved, but maybe you have a hot Senate race in your area. Or maybe just a guy running for municipal government. But even he needs your vote.