Happy Piss on Singles Day!

Feb 14, 2006 00:24

To those of you celebrating with a special loved on this most august of holidays...bite me. Hard.

Actually, I'm really not that bitter about the martyred saint's holiday, it's just fun to roll my eyes at it. It just seems like a waste of greeting card paper and stamps. A celebration of crappy chocolate and way too much pink, white and red. It's a night when Delilah and Love Songs After Dark become even more sappy than usual (if that is even possible). When boys my age take girls to Applebees and expect them to put out after. And girls expect pretty much the same thing.

I don't know; maybe it means more to people my Mom and Dad's age who have been together for years and want some time to celebrate their love.

HA! I'm funny.

So, ladies. If someone gives you chocolate, accept with a smile, even if it is a Whitmore's Sampler. Put on your prettiest dress and pretend your date realizes you're supposed to match. Gentlemen, put on your best sneakers for that date. And get her some pastel colored flowers.

But for God's sake, don't buy her carnations.


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