As referenced by my bff/MOH
s0crazee Friday was fantabulous. Nothing like being a socialite for an evening - reaping all the benefits of being a female and being connected. I want to focus my story however, on Mr. Lt. Dan. You see, when we walked in, it was kind of creepy. Firstly, I don't like my friends brother - at all. He is a creeper. He's been a creeper all 3 years I've known him. We got there, I think there was one other girl, not really sure. But as soon as we walked in the gravy started flowing -- it was the whiskey, vodka, pepsi and I think Monster -- it was a horrible brown color that no one should ingest, but it did the trick. Everyone laughed, especially Biff from BTTF. He had on Michellin man pants with firetruck red tennis shoes and a firetruck red plastic/rubber/silicone watch. He was gone. That was our crowd, me, her, Biff from BTTF, Lt. Dan, Daddy Long Johns, my friend, the hottie with more names than anyone should have and some random dudes that were way too young to be going out in the first place.
s0crazee's story
Back at the apartment Lt Dan and I sit on the bench press bench and have an interesting conversation. Something about a man in a camo green lt. coat, I guess. We talk Greek life, school, etc. He's graduated, he's teaching, seems pretty together. I take the step and we exchange numbers. Now, per my prev post, we can see there was a long and sad breakup. Right now IDEK how broken it is. But I give Lt Dan my number nonetheless.
I'm the type of person who likes answers, quickly. I do some simple internet searching and see that Lt Dan isn't as -- lets say Greek as he claimed. He's almost 27 and lives at home. And he was smoking cigarettes. WTF was I thinking??
Too much gravy for me.