MGMB Result is Out~~~WTF~~~

Oct 22, 2008 22:59

Ok, say Im greedy or watsoever but I'm super pissed that I got 69.6 marks for MGBD, where's the 0.4 marks lah...I could haf get an A for it loh...double module sum more....ARGH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*&%&)))$!!@$ Why~~~~Why~~~~Why can juz round up and gif me an A~~~I wan to see an A~~~~Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*hissy fit* I need to get an A to patch up my 2 C ah....sob sob~~

And the worse thing is tt I tot the result came back is my Year 2 Term 1 MMBY result....hell noe, it's my Year 2 Term 3 result....Where the hell is my MMBY and DSP2 result lah....Term 1 results haven get den gif me Term 3 result for wat.....Fuck the MDIS lah....Curse them to Hell~~~~


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