Unfinished Business: I believe I pretty much said what I wanted
here, BECAUSE OHMYGOD, but I'm especially struck by the camera angle during the sexing, which I may have rewatched, oh, a few hundred times. It's so awkward, from above them and from an almost upside-down angle, as if the camera were craning its neck. I wonder if that awkwardness was deliberate - I mean, indicating something more than to hide the nakedity.
The Passage: Look, it's a Kill a Tertiary Character Time on BSG! Kat, Billy and Crashdown are holding your table for you, but you better hurry because Socinus is eating all the mozzarella sticks. Yeah...this didn't work for me.
Call me crazy, but I just think people are more interesting when they're alive. Kat was great as a foil/mirror for Kara; their rivalry and parallels were a fascinating insight into the world of pilots beyond what we get from Kara and Lee. If I cared about her as a person separate from that identity - and I didn't - then I might have found her death more affecting - and I didn't. (Of course, it only took Jacob's
recap to choke me up.) I've talked
before about the overabundance of death on my television, and I still think that Character Death is only interesting if it has a lasting impression on the ones who are still living. Given how everyone still mourned for Kat, obviously it was worth it .
I was thinking about Character Death that meant something, and I think Buffy did it best. Mrs. Calendar dies so that Angelus could be proven really really evil. Joyce died to set up seasons 5 and 6 and to DEVASTATE MY SOUL (seriously, how long has it been?, and I cry EVERY SINGLE TIME.) Tara died to push Willow over into balls-out shit-house crazy. Okay, I kid a little, but in additional to narrative implications, their deaths had emotional weight and resonance. And consequences beyond a one-off. And for a polytheistic society, redeemed by death is so Judeo-Christian you could puke.
The Eye of Jupiter: Although I loved this episode, the cliffhanger didn't have the impact I think they wanted, which was ridiculous amount of eye-rolling. Oh, I am SO SURE that Adama's going to nuke the planet where his son, surrogate son, surrogate daughter, other surrogate daughter, crew, and girlfriend's pretty, pretty doohicky are. Cha. Right.
Damn James Callis straight to hell for making me feel anything for Baltar. I don't know how he does it, but I feel BAD for him. Like, he hurt my heart with his poor little boy face in the meeting with Adama and Roslin. Not to mention the fact that everything he yelled after Roslin - "if it wasn't for me, you'd me dead" - was right. He did save her life. And where does she get off, anyway? Dammit.
Regarding pilots. It's pretty much all been said
here. And
here. And
here. So I'll just say this: Unknowingly, I have waited my entire fannish existence for pilots. Without exaggeration, Lee and Kara and Lee/Kara hit every single one of my kinks, and I can't speak of them without flailing. How different would my life had been if Mulder and Scully, or Michael and Nikita, or, hell, Anne and Gilbert had just made out every once in a while? VERY VERY DIFFERENT. God, they are SO BEAUTIFUL. And awful. But mostly beautiful, with their cheeks and jawlines and nose grazing and lip-licking and sweat-shiny bright gorgeousness.