Kaibutsu-kun Episode 1 Screencap Picspam of Doom~~

Apr 26, 2010 03:25


I LOVE Kaibutsu-kun!

I'm not afraid to say it. To scream it from the rooftops actually. To start wearing primary colours all day everyday and force all of my friends to watch the two episodes that have aired over and over with me while I laugh hysterically like its the first time I've seen it when really i pretty much have it memorized by now....

Sigh... I lead a sad life, but really? I need to acknowledge how amazing Ohno is, because I honestly never thought he'd be able to pull off such a brat and not 1. fail because it's just so opposite of his actual nature and 2. Make me hate the character, because I do not suffer brats well; but Ohno makes Kaibutsu so adorable that I can't help but squeee over him continuously. I almost love this drama more than Uta no Oniisan now and we are only two episodes in (and its hard to top Riida in an Acorn costumeamiright?)

Where is this going some may ask? well.... I went a little screencap happy.... and by a little I mean a lot. Warning the fallowing LJ cut is extremely picture heavy and may contain spoilers for episode 1:

Meet Kaibutsu-kun the prince of monster land...

He looks sweet and innocent when he's sleeping:

But when he's awake:

He's a bratty little shit prone to temper tantrums

Yes sweetie I do mean you

"I don't really think I'm prone to them..."

O rly:

"Okay, point taken."

That's what I thought....
He also throws out a lot of what I've come to lovingly call The Crazy Eyes

Crazy Eyes

Crazy Eyes

Crazy Eyes

Crazy Eyes

So . Many . Crazy Eyes .

Other favorites of mine are:

I'm looking down your sisters shirt eyes

Curry is delicious eyes

Proud of Myself eyes

Maximum stretchy eyes

If you say so eyes:

What the shit is this eyes

Umai eyes

Is my sexuality in this closet eyes

Can't believe it eyes

Hide and Seek eyes

Totally missed the point eyes

Greedy eyes

Totally not being stealth eyes

Supremely unhelpful eyes

Don't want to be here eyes

Embarrassed eyes

Unimpressed eyes

I don't even know eyes

Okay that went on for way to long. Sorry I got a little carried away, but once you start its very difficult to stop. *runs away to watch episode 2* I'll try not to do this too often but I'm just so excited about this drama!! 

geekery, pic spam, arashi, t.v. love, riida

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