Gleb Goloubetski ~ Impressionist painter

Dec 11, 2016 20:13

Gleb Goloubetski ~ Impressionist painter

Gleb Goloubetski was born in 1975 in Omsk, Russia, a Siberian town. His father, who died when Gleb was six, was a merited artist of the Soviet Union and his grandfather was an architect.
His mother currently owns a gallery in Omsk.

Глеб Голубецкий (Gleb Goloubetski) родился в 1975 в г. Омске. Его отец, который умер, когда Глебу было шесть лет, был членом Союза художников СССР, а дед был архитектором.
     Мама Глеба Голубецкого в настоящее время владеет галереей в Омске. Талант Глеба был обнаружен в раннем детстве, и уже в возрасте 15 лет он продавал свои картины. Закончил Академию художеств в Санкт-Петербурге, класс Валерия Куликова.   
   Художник живет, работает и выставляется в Праге, а также в Германии и Лондоне .

Работы находятся в частных коллекциях во многих странах мира.

Gleb's talent was discovered during his early childhood and he began selling his work at the age of 15. He studied at an art academy in St Petersburg, and from 1989-1995 continued as a student in the master class of Valerij Kullkov.
Gleb spends weeks at a time in Greece, Italy, Egypt, Thailand, Maledives, and Brazil painting interesting houses, flowers, interiors, and the contrast of light and dark.
Goloubetski shows his work in Prague, where he currently lives, as well as Germany and London. His paintings are also kept in private collections in many countries around the world.

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