Jul 25, 2004 02:07
We bought a puppy on Friday...YaY! She is a 10 week old Brittney Spaniel. She is an absolute doll and is wonderful with the boys. We gave Troy the responsibility of naming her and he asked for help when he came down to Spongebob, or Lucy..I decided on Lucy and there you have it. I will post pics of her with the boys later on.
In other news, school is going really well. It is a much harder term so taking a bit more of my time, but I actually really enjoy it. I am taking an Ethics course that is my favorite. Just two hours dedicated to discussing why people think and feel the way they do and how to make those people see your point of view with out upsetting them and causing it to turn from debate to all out war. Lots of interesting ideas that I just haven't found time to get out yet. I will one day.
Troy will be starting school this September. It is so hard to believe that he is already that age. He has grown up in front of my eyes yet some days I feel like I have missed so much. I hope one day to have another child, but you never can tell where life will take me. I intend to cherish every minute with him and Curtis now.
I haven't been out of the house in weeks and it is not due to a lack of invitations. I just feel like I have no time, or something always gets in the way. I need to be more social, I miss my friends.
Enough for now.