Jan 06, 2007 01:08
My own personal Guitar Hero is my Daddy!
He rawks. Even at the ripe old age of 60, he can bang out the hits like nobody's business.
And I don't think I've ever done a better thing in my life than teach my mother how to play it. Oh god, the hilarity, the awesomeness, and she's actually getting good. Anyone who knows my mother will die imagining this. Although Michelephant and Dan have beaten me to getting them a PS2 for Hanukkah, apparently...rats.
I, meanwhile, have broken 90% accuracy on 'medium' on a few songs after only playing it for the first time yesterday. I like the feeling of 'playing' the song. But the hell with that, god forbid I should learn to ACTUALLY play the guitar, like I began to once. It's not like I don't have access to one, god knows. And god forbid I should ever pick up the violin I bothered to buy. At least I was able to get to a piano since I've been going to my parents' house. It's been too long, and I need to re-learn the middle parts to Für Elise, yet AGAIN, because so much time's gone by. I still remember most of them. Not bad for having learned it ten years ago and never getting to play more than once a year, it seems.
Musical Lily. I also have yet to crack open Garage Band and just compose something for once. Maybe something to go along with an art piece. It's about time I made the 'ideal song'. Lord knows I've found ones that've come close (Secret, I Just Want You, Carry On Wayward Son, the softer parts of many SOAD songs), but I want something that hits ALL the spots. I guess I could get someone to do it for me, but it's so risky, wanting the PERFECT song for you, and having to trust it to someone else. God, it'd have to be ballady, with a drop-dead gorgeous male singing voice, and swelling choruses, and orgasmy crescendos, etc. Something I could melt into and float away on. One day, maybe. I'll keep looking. It's not like the looking process isn't fun!
Yay for this weekend, as it will include frilly underwear buying! With god as my witness, I WILL have my collection back! And fitting me! Double triple D's and all!!!
Ooooooo, fuffy kitty. Must go.
silly lilly