Late but not too late. My lesson learn moment

Jan 02, 2009 22:23

Here's the story about the time I was in mexico, well Del Rio, Texas

Hey guys

, I haven't had time to tell the story about the time I went to Mexico. So anyways, that Friday I got there, my cousin was at work so my family went to our other relatives' home so me, my cousin Yesenia, her friend Corina and Carmen went out to buy few things for the party after the baptism. Then we got some drinks and get drank a few Smirnoff, so everything was fine, my cousin invited her friend Anthony since she haven't seen him in a long time and she things he is really cute, though she already have a boyfriend name Zeke. So we slept late and went to bed because we had to get ready in the morning. The next morning, we got ready and my cousin said after the party we will go out and I wasn't sure but hey why miss it. So the baptism went well, Carmen didn't cry so that was cool, but she saw her dad's parents and she wanted to go with them but she wasn't allow to, not yet and that is when she cried. Her dad is actually like a distance cousin to me, because his grandfather is my mom's cousin. My Cousin's mom is my dad's sister, so the town is small and I have a big family on both sides and they mostly live there. So after that we took picture and went home, Carmen calm down and I told her she should get ready to eat cake and open presents. A few people came so we ate, and then some cake, but Carmen went to sleep so we waited and it was around 6 when she woke up. We open presents and I gave her a toy Dora the explore car where she can ride on and I told her, you better use it cause it cost me, lol. So she did. Later on my other cousin Julie came over, the day before was her birthday so we wanted to celebrate by drinking and going out. So we all got more smirnoff and went to my other cousin's Bardo, Yesenia's brother. There we saw his wife and little boy Lil Bardo, but Yesenia expected to see if Anthony and his brother would be there. So their other friends came by and we took shots of Jose Cuervo. Then Anthony and his brother came but Yesenia was all over Anthony she really wanted to be with him but he lives in Fort Worth Texas. So we drank and drank, mostly her and Julie and they said let's go clubbing so we went. Everything went fine, only me, Yesenia, Julie,Anthony and Buffy(Bardo's wife) went. There were alot of people. Anthony's brother couldn't go so he stayed behind, he was underage. We went in and dance for a while, we didn't drink in there. We were only there for about 20 minutes when trouble started. Anthony was holding Yesenia and they kissed and I was like whoa. Later one these two guys tap Anthony on the shoulder and told him "Hey what's up man?" I really couldn't hear what they were saying but Anthony was getting close as if that guy told him something that piss off Anthony, then those guys pushed him to the floor and started to fight. I back away as the guys were getting hold back by their girlfriends and Yesenia was holding back Anthony. So Buffy said let's go and we walk out and we were outside, but Anthony said he needed to get his hat, but he look mad wanting to beat those guys up, but the security guard told him he will get it. He got it as we waited and as we walk toward the car those guys were kicked out and then they saw us and those guys ran over to us, but they went toward Anthony and I was so scared as more security guards came and pull them apart and try to take them all away but told them to calm down and just leave so we got into the car very quickly and drove off, but it seem like those guys were following us and we were all scared as we were driving more fast to get away. Like we drove for 10 minutes and we lost them. We took him to his hotelroom. So we decided to go get his brother we went back home and I and Buffy were more sober so we drove 2 cars back to the hotel, but as we were leaving Anthony's brother Johnny vomited and we stop to let him out and man it was gross. We got to the hotel and Anthony seem to be outside looking around and Julie told him to stay in the room and he was like I'm calm, but you can see he was angry. The biggest mistake was to hang out with young teenagers, they were younger then me, but Buffy was the oldest so she took me to her home to stay the night so I won't go to wake up my aunt, since I stayed with her and Yesenia. Carmen was left with Yesenia's sister Viviana. So they all apologize to me and I was shaking mostly because those guys were coming after us. The was the most scariest thing that ever happen to me. So that is what happen. The next day I told Yesenia what happen next because she stayed with him for a while and I didn't want to stay there.  She was very hungover. I was ok, after that I told her I am not hanging out with you with guys like that. What is it about thugs that attract her, I really don't understand that. I don't ever want to understand that. Well I didn't tell my mom about the fight because if I did, she will have a fit with me and I did with my sister, she told me to be careful. But that is a lesson learn, never hangout with teenagers again, mostly with people who you know will get into trouble. But I will never forget that moment, but I am also scared if Yesenia had Carmen with her, I will never forgive her for that. But everything is cool with us so everything seem to be ok. That is the story.

scared, frighting moment

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