My Luna Lovegood's story

Jan 29, 2008 09:38

Title: You raise me up
Author: Eva85hp05
Rating: PG
Warning: for mild violence
Summary: Luna's special and last moments with her mother who loved her so much
and a song that describe that love.

A/N: This is what I feel how Luna's spent her last time with her mother. 
And the song is by Josh Groban, a beautiful song that I think was perfect for this story. 
I hope you all like it.

When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; 
when troubles come and my heart burdened be; 
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence, 
until you come and sit awhile with me.


Luna, the little 8 year old girl, with long dirty blond hair. She was crying near a pond. She heard footsteps and the person bends down and then put their hand on Luna's chin and she turn to face the person who is holding her chin. Luna look up at a beautiful young women, with dirty blond long straight hair, with brown eyes,

"Luna, what is wrong, why are you not playing with the other children over there?" she asked in a vague way like Luna,

"I don't want to, besides, I like playing by myself."

Her mother arched her eyebrow,

"It’s that really true, Luna?" Luna looks at her again, and then gave a sad look and look down at the ground.

"No." she responded quietly,

"Than what is it, sweet heart?" The woman asked,

"Its just... that..... Mummy, they don't like me, because they think I am crazy or something, they said they don't talk to people who are crazy and speak non-sense."

"Oh Luna, who cares, you are not crazy at all. They are just jealous that you know more things than they do.  And once you are accepted into Hogwarts like your father and I did, you will be the smartest girl there and everyone will be friends with you. Don't worry, I was like that too, no one ever liked me, until I meet your father.  He was the best." she sits down next to her and put her arm around Luna's back,

"Listen to what is in your heart and always have faith. They may not, but you do, and you prove to them and that one day you can show them that the things they don't believe do exist."  Her mother said comforting Luna,

Luna tears had dry and she smiled at her mother, Luna's mother took Luna's hand to go back inside to their house.

"Come on; help me cook something for daddy. He will be coming home soon from work."

"Ok mum," Luna said as her mother help her up as they started to walk toward they small house. But Luna stop,
"Mum?" Luna asked, her mother looks at her,

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Thank you mummy, you are my best friend." Said Luna, her mother had a big smile on her face,

"You are my best friend too." Her mother responds with a kiss her on the head.


You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; 
you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; 
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; 
you raise me up… To more than I can be.


Luna was sleeping in her small little bed, when the door of her room opens. 
There on her bed side was her mother,

"Luna, Sweetie, wake up." she whispered.

Luna eyes open a little to see her mother sitting by her side,

"Morning mummy." Luna yawned,

"Look over there baby." said her mother pointing at the door. 
Luna turn a little with one eye open, and she open both her eyes into big protuberant ones. 
She saw her father with a small birthday cake for her. He had brown short hair with a nice smile, 
tall and silvery eyes.

"DADDY!" Luna jump from her bed and kneel close to the end of bed, 
while her father gave her a kiss on the cheek,

"Happy Birthday Luna!" her parents said, she look at the cake, 
that seem like it was just baked this morning,

"Its chocolate, and with white frost with you name in orange colors." said her mother

"Thank you mummy and daddy, I am so happy you are here for my birthday."

"I know, I decided not to go to work today and spend time with my two favorite girls."

"I love you daddy" as she hug him, and he put the cake down. "And I love you, mummy."

"And I love you too, Luna, both of you." Her mother cheered.


There is no life - no life without its hunger; 
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly; 
But when you come and I am filled with wonder, 
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.


One stormy night, Luna was in her room reading her father's article on the new magazine call 
"The Quibbler", and then she heard some noises across the hall, she decided to check what was happening. 
She reach to her parents room, where her mother was doing experiments, Luna smile at her mother, 
thinking that she is the best person she ever know, very beautiful and intelligent.  
Luna one day wishes to be beautiful just like her mother. 
Luna was leaning on the wall watching her mother do experiment, Luna look at her mother, 
she notice her mother had a worried face, she gulp and said

"Alright, here goes nothing." She performs a spell.


Luna buggy eyes were wider to see her mother being thrown back and hit the wall and a mirror 
behind her that broke on her head and blood spilt, and she fell on the floor unconscious,

"NOOOOOO!" Luna said running toward her mother.


You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; 
you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; 
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; 
you raise me up… To more than I can be.


"I'm home!" shouted Mr. Lovegood closing the front door of their house.

Until he heard loud cries in his room, he ran to open the door, and saw little 9 year old Luna 
embracing her mother, blood on her mothers head and blood in her small hands, 
crying as tears were falling on her mother's now pale cold cheeks. Luna's father eyes widen just like 
Luna and he came close to the both of them and caresses his wife's face and closed 
her eyes which they were open.

"I didn't know what to do, the spell hurt her daddy, I didn't know!" she cried hysterically,

He hugs Luna and they both cried for the person they loved so much and not to hear her say 
I love you back ever again.


You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; 
you raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; 
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; 
you raise me up… To more than I can be.


Luna put a white rose on her mother's tomb after the funeral ceremony was finish. 
Her father waited for her once she left the rose.  As she walks away toward her father, 
she looks back and waved goodbye to her mother's tomb. The air blew through Luna's long hair as 
her father had his arm around her shoulder going home.  Luna went to her room, 
she open the door and notice a photo of her mother near her bedside, 
than she had a confuse look on her face. She was not sure to believe it.
On the middle of her bed was a white rose and a small torn piece of parchment. 
Luna walks over to her bed and grabs the parchment and read what it said;

"Always believe in what's in your heart, 
                    and never lose faith for anything. 
                                  Love you, 
                               Your Mummy."

Luna had smile on her face with the white rose in her hand and sat on the edge of her bed and 
looks out the window for a long time and told herself that everything will be ok.

You raise me up… To more than I can be.

love, luna lovegood, death, mother, songfic

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