Here's what's going on with the community.
A good majority of people want
ev_icons to become friends only, while remaining a moderated and open community. Considering most of our active members voted in this poll, I'll take it as fairly accurate.
This won't change the community at all. Just make sure you're a member, and that you didn't just add the community to your Friend's page without joining. So it's really not a reason to get upset and leave. (Why leave the best Evanescence graphics community on Livejournal anyways?) The only difference is you'll have to be logged in and a member of the community to see new entries.
Go to: If it says:
You are already a member of this community.
You're all set.
If it says:
Press the button below to join the "Evanescence Icons" community. Uncheck the box below if you want to join the community without seeing community entries on your friends page.
Add "Evanescence Icons" to friends list.
Then you're not a member. Just follow through with that step and you're now all set.
I think this is really easy for everyone. It won't stop icon theft, but it will help. People can join the community for the sole purpose of stealing icons, and they'll do it in a closed community, they'll steal icons anywhere.
All of the previous entries will remain their current security level. If you're that concerned please go back and change it yourself. This way people can see what they're getting before they join.
If you don't have a Livejournal, they're now incredibly easy to get (you don't even need codes). I'm sorry to do this to all the users of GJ, DJ, UJ, etc., but it is getting out of hand.
So this being said, I don't want to see any more public icon theft posts. If you see a user not crediting for icons, resolve it yourself (politely and with civility) if it doesn't work, email me and I'll ban them if they're a member of the community. Pretty easy. 75% of the time it's a mistake or someone doesn't know how to credit.
I'm working on a lot of little community things tonight, but I'm going to switch over to friends only and the new layout all at once. Probably tomorrow.
I just logged every relevant entry ever written in this journal into the Memories section on the user info page. Please read that before you go looking for anything. It'll help keep the community clear for what we're here for.... *gasp* graphics. :) It took forever so please be sure to use it... Really.
It's organized by icon/graphic maker or type of post. If you catch people asking questions, please point them to the memories. So I'm going to pat myself on the back for that.
One more thing!
Snidgety, I lost your email. I was wondering if you could make a matching Friends Only banner to accompany the Layout Contest you won. So I can put it all up together. I didn't want to leave a rogue comment on your journal begging for a FO banner. :)
As always if you need to talk about anything Ev related, or community related, you can email me. I think that's it.