It's 6 am and I am sneaking out your back door...

Jun 11, 2005 13:42

outfit: uhh carpis and a tank top
hairstyle: straight
jewelry: none

do you:
whine a lot: i have a vagina, of course i do
yell a lot: quite a bit actually
hate a lot of people: no i hate a certain special someone =)
have too many friends: you can never have to many friends.
want to die: when im older?
have a bf/gf: no....but i miss it
do drugs: caffine
wear dark colors: some of the time
dye your hair: sometimes

have you ever:
kissed someone: si
gotten drunk: si
talked on the phone for over 3 hours: yes plenty of times
left the country: yeaaah like 3 or 4 timse
had a party with over 30 people: not one that ive thrown
stolen something: mah burts bees
caught something on fire: yeah a chia pet =)
cheated on someone: i would never.
wanted to cheat on someone: duhh i mean you see some hottie walking down the street and your like DEAMN HOMIE YOU ARE FINE LET ME HIT! but i would never act on it.
asked someone out: yeah
had a dream, then the next day it happens: DE VA JU

last person:
you touched: alexa
you talked to: alexa
you hugged: bri i think
you kissed: i don't kiss and tell...or do i?
you instant messaged: myself
who broke your heart: ehh rather not say...

are you:
understanding: i can be
open-minded: lol sometimes
arrogant: not at all
insecure: pssh no i just hate myself for NO reason
interesting: im a little odd
hungry: hmph a little bit
smart: oh yes im your everyday fuckin EINSTEIN sp?
moody: im like effin bipolar
childish: yeah i can be
independent: very
hard working: when im not being muy peresozo
healthy: yeah. im an underweight bitch.
emotionally stable: yeah when im not like freaking out
shy: .
difficult: yes rather
attractive: nooope
bored easily: i entertain myself
obsessed: with acoustic music and __quotexwhore
angry: yeah
sad: not really
happy: ehh for the most part
trusting: yes
ill: yeah im like fuckin dying in this heat
talkative: sometimes im shy and then sometimes i wont shut the hell up
ignored: no i tend to yell so that gets peoples attention
reliable: yeah
self-discipline: yeah
sleepy: noo...
lonely: quite lonely actually

info about yourself:
what is your birth name? Kristina Marie Lee
what is your birthday?: March 2 1990
current age?: 15
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
how tall are you?: about 5'6
shoe size?: 9
brothers/sisters?: little brother
job?: no im poor

what is your favorite band?: currently the spill canvas
color?: orange
soda? im in love with orange soda
music?: i like everything except hardcore screamo and country
stores in the mall?: i love trade secret.
ice cream?: vanilla
roller coaster?: OMG I LOVE THEM
candy?: swedish fish bitches
cd?: the spill canvas sunsets and car crashes
cookies?: OREOS
juice?: i like kool aid especially mrs ferrantos =)
holiday?: my birthday ;)
month?: july

in the last 48 hours:
cried?: yes
missed someone?: a lot
yelled at someone?: yesss
drove somewhere?: if i could drive i would
talked to someone on the phone?: yeah
been online?: yeah
smiled?: yeah
kissed someone?: nope
hugged someone?: yeah
last thing you ate?: cheeseburger

have you ever:
been in love?: in love with memories
kissed someone of the same sex: yeaah
been in trouble with the police? nope
hit someone?: yeah
broke something?: yeah
betrayed a friend?: it wasnt as bad as everyone made it out to be
played strip poker?: naaah
skipped school?: naah
stole something?: naah
shot a gun?: yup
broke something important?: yeah
smoked weed?: nope
dyed your hair?: yeah

okay last questions:
what is sitting next to you?: alexa
do you get along with your mother?: most of the time
favorite sport?: basketball
been in a plane?: yehyah
kicked your cat for the hell of it?: I HATE KITTIES
slept during class?: yeah
cheated on a test?: who hasnt?
are you bored of taking this survey?: not really
what time is it now?: 2:18
are you tired?: somewhat

P.S. I love how Allyson's picture is in the senior section of the yearbook. I also love how they spelled my name KRYSTINA. WTF A Y?!?!?!?!?!!?
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