Freewriting 7-24-2009

Jul 24, 2009 14:18

WE END WITH: Rocky and Lily from Lackadaisy, the reference-, adult new reader-, and workplace sections of the library, Vaughn being all funny, Sheriffs (getting their asses beaten by Vaughn), Abby/me, the twenties, the possibility - but not the actual - appearance of Aria, Dick and Sally and Spot, hideously repulsive 50-year-old librarians, sagging boobage, John Dillenger, Bonnie and Clyde with cooler names, a million airborne bucks, model Ts, broken windows, G-men, pinstripes, eyepatches, cool ‘20s caps, smoking in the library, not smoking in the library, a public establishment so great as this here institution, the difference between a ‘20s and a 2364’s Vaughn, Glock 20s, Tommy-guns, suspenders and ties, assaulted a police officer, attempted kidnapping, discharging a police weapon, rap sheets, trenchcoats, calling 911 when you really shouldn’t, YouTube, handcuffing, romance novels, shit security guards, Michael Weston, arm-bars, British Peelers, grotesque gargoyles, dins, expletives, freewriting in the library, making a scene, and library computers.

(When You Are Near - Carolina Liar)  I’ll give you twenty bucks if you read this - I think I have twenty bucks left. *Checks the trunk*

(When I Think About Leaving - Kenny Chesney)  The music is slow and soft, it vibrates through my ears and into my head like grey chords. They penetrate my ears and they worm their ways into my eardrums and attach to my brain. The melodies smooth and calm as he sings. It fills my spinal cavity and incorporates itself into my blood stream where it makes it to my heart. The words swirl in my head and I see them behind my eyes. I can interpret every letter, every emotion that’s been embedded into those little forms.

I like this song.

It’s weird doing freewriting in the library (Vaughn’s sitting behind me, smoking a cigarette.), since there are so many people here as well. It seems odd that I’m baring my mind onto the pixilated screen and behind me Vaughn is fighting with the library management.

“Sir, this is a no smoking environment. Sir, if you wish to smoke your cigarette, you’ll have to go across the street.”

He’s surrounded by (Track 02 - ZZ Top) staff now, male and female in their fifties and fat. They can’t get a job anywhere else, so they’ve resorted to congregating here where they can live out their spinster lives in the sanctity of safety, comfort of the security guard who really doesn’t give a shit if the youngster around the corner has just stolen 10 books, and the fact that they really don’t have to do anything in their lives.

Vaughn has a very low opinion of librarians, both male, female or fat.

“Get the fuck off of me,” he snarls as one tries to grab his arm. “I’ll smoke where I fucking want to goddamn smoke. There’s nothing you’re going to do about it!”

He’s making a scene, much to my annoyance, and he’s drawing attention from the people at the library computers. I can’t help but look either. The sheriff comes over, - wait, is the sheriff actually here?

Well, for the purposes of this, he is. The sheriff comes over and he’s waded his way through the circle of men to Vaughn, who’s making it quite clear - through the sea of explitives - (Mann Gegan Mann - Rammstein) that he’s not going anywhere anytime soon. My expression turns sour, and I look away. Nothing good is going to come of this.

Ruby stared up at him as he sat there -

Damnit, I can’t help it. I turn back to see Vaughn - who’s made his way over to me - standing right behind me, staring at the screen. The librarians continue to make a din about how he’s disobeying the law and such, but Vaughn’s not going to listen to them. They’re just librarians after all, they carry no power.

Some of the librarians object to this statement, but neither do I care. I’m not doing anything wrong, it’s Vaughn who’s looming over my shoulder like a groutesque gargoyle and starting up problems with the lamest form of law enforcement since the invention of the British Peeler.

Naturally, I’ve now offended - to the bemusement of Vaughn - both (The Best Thing - Reliant K) the sheriffs office and the fat ugly spinster librarians. They make a point of threatening to call my parents - like they know my parent’s numbers, or that they won’t pick up - and the sheriffs are just generally unhappy.

One of them tries to grab Vaughn, and I try to stop him, but I’m too late. He wrenches the sheriff’s arm and puts him into an arm-bar. He hooks one arm up and over and holds him like I learned with the video on YouTube and as his partner advances to try to help the fellow sheriff, Vaughn expertly pulls the Glock 20 on the sheriff.

I’m not at all happy that Vaughn would dare to harm a member of law enforcement, even a sheriff, but I must say, I’m impressed. Vaughn totally did that with (Bad Girlfriend - Theory of a Deadman) Michael Weston style and I’m beaming both outwardly and inwardly at his awesomeness.

Naturally, the weak-ass women here to get their romance novels, are shrieking and the security guard texting to his girlfriend is hiding in the corner praying to God he doesn’t get shot.

Huh, it’s 2:41. I’m still mouthing the words to the song - that I’m totally repeating - and watching Vaughn being awesome, when someone dials 911.

Vaughn sees this and shoots the floor.

This is just going down hill fast. Not only has Vaughn been smoking indoors, he’s assaulted a police officer, got attempted kidnapping, and now discharging a police weapon on the rapsheet. (Cross My Heart - The Rocket Summer)

I don’t know him. I don’t know him. I don’t know him. I don’t know him. I don’t - Vaughn grabs me up out of my seat and is holding my with his gun arm by the forearm. He has a very strong grip, and it hurts. My face is contorted in pain, and he yanks me in for a kiss.

“You know you’re with me doll,” he says and now we’re in 1924. Instead of a glock, Vaughn’s got a tommy-gun and he’s got one of the G-men in handcuffs. Vaughn’s looking sexy in his pinstripes and fedora and -omigod, he’s got a trenchcoat on. And he’s got a red and blue striped tie and black suspenders.


His hair’s a little longer - like John Dillenger’s - and he’s got this immortal grin on his face (Tell Me Why - Taylor Swift). His eyepatch is still on though. It’s the older version, but Vaughn would rather be suave then frightening - and you know that the one blue eye is pretty fucking scary

***idea: Vaughn takes off his eyepatch during battle***

when he’s not wearing his eyepatch.

Anyway, people are screaming, G-men are taking cover all over the place, and I’m wearing a dress like Lily’s in Lackadaisy (the sailor collar one.) It’s cream with blue and green accents. My hair is short and wavy and I’ve got that cool cap that’s olive green with a cream ribbon and blue broach and some feathers on the left side

God I love the twenties. (Something To Die For - Carolina Liar)

Vaughn glances over towards me through the haze of cigarette smoke - this is the twenties - and pulls me in for another kiss. “Let’s split doll.”

And with that, we’re off, jumping out of a window that Vaughn just shoved a librarian’s cart into, and we land ontop of a model T which we end up stealing, cuz ‘20s Vaughn can totally hotwire a car.

Hell, 2364’s Vaughn can jump a car.

And then we’re driving away, laughing mad, and we look back to see that there’s a million bucks in the trunk and it’s all blowing out the windows of the car cuz the widows are open. Not like we really care though… this is all just a game to us, we’re a real Bonnie and Clyde.

Except that we’re too cool to have such lame names as that. (Bixby Canyon Bridge - Death Cab For Cutie)

I’ll never be a librarian. Librarian = sagging boobage.

Vaughn, standing next to me, starts busting out laughing and the unlit cigarette in his mouth drops to the floor. He bends down to pick it up, and when he returns, the librarian reminds him that “smoking is prohibited in a public establishment so great as this here institution.”

And Vaughn so pleasantly tells them that the cigarette is not lit, then asks them if they have a light.

And the face of the hideously repulsive (no wonder she’s not married) librarian makes us both crack up a riot.

Adult New Reader… What the hell is adult new reader? Is that for the indigent people who don’t know how to read? (Vaughn is still laughing) I wonder if Dick and Sally and Spot is in there. Vaughn perks up an eyebrow and I give him the memory of “See Dick run.”

He smiles and trudges over. (Heart of Glass - Skye Sweetnam Cover) “Well,” he says as he scans the cover titles, “lets find out, no?”

I’m toying with the idea of Aria appearing into thin air right beside him, but Vaughn looks up and glares at me. “Abby, we’re having such a fun afternoon; don’t fuck it up.” He goes back to his scanning.

“Nope, not here,” he says, eyes downcast at the waist high bookshelf.

“Let me see,” says I, dashing over.

And with that, I dash over.

“Holy Crap!” I exclaim, wide eyed like Rocky. “I was right!” Curious how it’s right next to reference and workplace.

abby/me, attempted kidnapping, adult new reader-, hideously repulsive 50-year-old libraria, dick and sally and spot, grotesque gargoyles, eyepatches, the twenties, freewriting, michael weston, suspenders and ties, sagging boobage, arm-bars, smoking in the library, a public establishment so great as this, bonnie and clyde with cooler names, youtube, not smoking in the library, a million airborne bucks, rocky and lily from lackadaisy, rap sheets, the possibility - but not the actual - a, dins, assaulted a police officer, expletives, discharging a police weapon, g-men, and library computers, pinstripes, tommy-guns, trenchcoats, broken windows, making a scene, staring me, freewriting in the library, handcuffing, vaughn being all funny, the difference between a ‘20s and a 2364, and workplace sections of the library, romance novels, calling 911 when you really shouldn’t, cool ‘20s caps, shit security guards, british peelers, john dillenger, sheriffs (getting their asses beaten by, model ts, glock 20s, the reference-

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