Jul 21, 2009 22:27
Dear Melinda Bobbin,
Thank you very much for Employing me, it has been a very good thing to have an Income for the past while that I have been your assistant. However I think I would like to stop Working for you as it is rather dull and I would like to sleep Later in the mornings.
Savina Ines De Luca Capper informed me that I ought to tell my employer two weeks in Advance if I am to leave the employment however, I forgot to send this two Weeks ago and I am uncertain as to whether it still Counts. Do you think it does? If not I will be in at eight o'clock tomorrow Morning.
Altruistically, (isn't that a lovely word?)
Luna Lovegood
PS - Oh do you know if the Tearoom will have more of those little chocolate biscuits tomorrow? If so I may come in Regardless, to gather my belongings will be my excuse I suppose.