Jul 30, 2008 19:05
... I offer you: a silly quiz!
[X] I've drank Starbucks more than once in my life
[ ] Sometimes I link arms when I walk with someone
[ ] Shop at AE, A&F, or HCO
[X] I own 4 or more dress shirts
[X] I will never be caught without my cell phone
[ ] Blow dry/straighten my hair on a daily basis
Total: 3
[ ] I will wear flip flops no matter what the weather
[ ] I own an over sized pair of sunglasses
[ ] I own 1 or more pairs of ripped jeans
[X] I layer my shirts
[ ] I have/had a myspace mirror pic
Total so far: 4
[X] When I'm not drinking starbucks I prefer water
[ ] I get annoyed with tom-boys(sometimes)
[X] I own an over sized bag or purse
[ ] I have seen every episode of Laguna Beach old season
[ ] My new fav is the Hills
[X] I say "lol" in online chat
[X] I own straight legged jeans
Total so far: 8
[X] I wear necklaces
[ ] I own an iPod
[X] I have the internet
[ ] I have 1 or more AIM screen name
Total so far: 10
[ ] I own/have owned a small dog
[ ] I have said "lol" or "OMG!" in a real conversation
[X] I like shopping
[ ] I shop whenever I have a chance
[ ] I have watched the Simple Life
Total so far: 11
Multiply by 3 and put "I'm 33% City"
[X] Ridden a horse
[ ] Owned a horse
[ ] Owned land
[ ] 4 wheeling
[ ] Said "ain't"
[ ] Been cow-tipping
[ ] Been deer hunting
[X] Been swimming in a lake
[ ] Caught a fish
[ ] Seen a deer get skined
Total: 2
[X] Have worked on a ranch or on land
[ ] Have lived in a house in the middle of nowhere
[ ] Have been duck hunting
[X] Have swam in a river
[ ] Driven a truck
[ ] Own or owned a rebel flag
[ ] Have said i don't like it... i love it
Total so far: 4
[X] Have an accent or people have told you that
[ ] Own or owned a pair of cowboy boots
[ ] Own/owned a cowboy hat
[X] Own/have owned a big dog
[ ] Say/said "y'all
[ ] Have been made fun of for sayin "y'all"
Total so far: 6
You also...
[X] Swear when you're mad
[ ] Have dipped/dip snuff
[X] Go/have gone to church on Sunday
[ ] Have ridden a horse to somewhere in town
[ ] Have gone on a field trip to a farm/ranch
[ ] Ate deer jerky
[ ] Have eaten deer meat
[ ] Have shot a gun before
Total so far: 8
Multiply by 3 and put "I'm 24% Country"
[ ] Have/had to drink powdered milk
[ ] Kool-aid is always available
[ ] You have chairs in your front yard
[ ] Sirens dont bother you
[ ] When some one says "hoe down" you look to the nearest corner
[ ] Money=hustle
Total: 0
[ ] Own hair grease
[ ] Theres at least 2 cars in your driveway
[ ] You like lowriders
[ ] Dr Dre, and Snoop are some of your favorite rappers
[ ] You keep a stack of money in a secret spot
Total so far: 0
You own....
[ ] A car with rims
[ ] At least 5 pairs of nikes
[X] Silver jewelery
[ ] 3 or more mp3 players/ipods
[ ] 2 or more cell phones
[X] A big puffy jacket
[ ] Big hoop earings or a grill
[ ] 5 or more gang movies
Total so far: 2
[ ] Have been searched
[ ] Have a tag for spraypainting
[ ] Hung out with gang bangers
[X] Been to a party
Total so far: 3
During the summer.....
[X] You get or have gotton wet with a hose
[ ] Still walk around in socks and sandals
[ ] BBQ is for dinner almost every night
[ ] You hear/have heard gun shots
[ ] Have/or go to some kind of party most every weekend
Total so far: 4
Multiply total by 3 and put "I'm 12% Hood"
I wonder what the other 31% of me is ....
Thanks to Patrick for the silly quiz =)